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Killzone dev says production effort is quadrupled on the next gen

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    Killzone dev says production effort is quadrupled on the next gen

    Surely number pulled out of hat time, but 4X people effort to make a game? Surely no one is going to make any money this coming gen
    Last edited by charlesr; 07-10-2013, 14:47.

    Maybe they just made very little effort before?


      Games will soon cost ?200 a pop. You read it here first.


        Originally posted by Guts View Post
        Gran Tourismo will soon cost ?200 a pop. You read it here first.
        How on earth does any publisher expect to make their money back? So much for the rise in development costs being relatively little for this generation.

        Gaming is really going towards the Hollywood model with a few blockbuster tent pole releases making the money to cover the loses elsewhere.


          This doesn't sound sustainable at all. The boom/bust of an AAA studio shedding and hiring staff between projects is going to be brutal.


            With so many studios closing as it is and talented developers forming wee indie studios iOS is going to be the major gaming platform soon.


              Dominance would be unlikely. New indie devs will migrate to Unity (especially when when 2D support is implemented) so they can release their game for as many platforms as possible. Even Nintendo are supporting it (and MonoGame) now.


                Yes, this perfectly explains why PC games (which were next gen 2 years ago) cost less to buy than console games. Oh wait...

                Surely something lost in translation here?


                  No license fee to pay to the platform holder.
                  But on the other hand a lot of PC games would not exist without the console versions being around to help spread the development costs.


                    there is that yes but the assets for pc games have been next gen for years so really don't know what he's talking about


                      I was under the impression that a lot of the art assets for games are rendered at far higher quality than required before be optimised to suit the required platform. No real differences this generation then.

                      I suppose if the new KZ features larger playing areas and more detailed graphics that will all take more time to create and playtest.
                      But that would be the same on a current gen system so maybe Guerilla feel that next gen just equal moar shiny?


                        They say this every generation.

                        Devs and publishers say it's going to cost so much more to make games for an upcoming generation, console manufacturers swear blind that their new tools, SDKs, etc, will bring the costs down dramatically.


                          Originally posted by billy_dimashq View Post
                          They say this every generation.
                          Yep, we heard this last gen. And as FSW points out, if better asset production was going to have such an impact, PC gaming wouldn't exist nor would half the mods people do in their spare time...


                            Originally posted by Guts View Post
                            Games will soon cost ?200 a pop. You read it here first.
                            Sounds like neo geo days all over again... I hope you are wrong... Then again, with all these special editions that pop out, it wouldn't surprise me if games went up price wise in general...



                              I'm pretty sure this is bull****. Quadrupled? Really?

