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Obduction - Cyan Worlds (Myst etc) Kickstarter project

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    Obduction - Cyan Worlds (Myst etc) Kickstarter project

    Apparently Cyan Worlds, the creators of the Myst series, are looking for Kickstarter funding of around ?700,000 for a "spiritual" sequel they've called Obduction. Heard this this news originally from BBC teletext of all places.

    The creators of legendary adventure game Myst are seeking cash for a new game via Kickstarter.

    Myst is up there with stuff like Shadow of the Beast and Xenon 2. A incredibly overrated tech demo masquerading as a game.


      Totally disagree and I think Riven in particular is a remarkable piece of work, a beautiful world built around excellent puzzles. Really enjoyed Myst V too. I kind of missed the boat on the Uru thing so, as pretty as it was, I didn't get the real experience. I'll always be interested to see what these guys can come up with.


        I've had a love, hate, love relationship with the Myst series. The port to PS of Riven was big reason I bought a PS. I'd seen, a then rare, late night TV extended advert for it. Stunned me with the way it looked so when I bought the PS a few weeks later I made sure it one of my four optional bundled games was Riven. First home console game I ever played.

        Spent days playing it, taking notes trying to work out the puzzles, loving the look of every new screen but I ended up getting stuck and very frustrated. Only later did I realise it was a very niche game for the PS. Anyway I had to buy a guide to get past the sticking points and that took my enthusiasm down a peg. Ended up a bit deflated by the game but still in love with the look and atmosphere.

        Later bought Myst for the PS and got stuck on that too - the hateful keyboard/music puzzle in the rocket ship leading to the Selenite Age. Without Riven's good looks there was nothing to mitigate that and I slogged, not entirely joylessly, through what I could do by myself and used a guide if I became stuck. Low point for me.

        However, glutton for punishment I still bought PS2 Exile and that restored my original enthusiasm - looks beautiful and having had that past experience I was in tune with the puzzles and ending up enjoying the experience. It was such a refreshing change from the types of other games I was playing. That lead me back to rebuying and replaying Riven which I hadn't done for 5+ years. Of course although I'd forgotten a lot of the puzzles it was easier but it made me appreciate its quality and what an extraordinary game it is for the PS to have hosted.

        The console version of Myst IV: Revelation was exclusive to the Xbox and NTSC only it was the thing that got me into Xbox modding and coming to this forum more regularly as I got back into importing again. I will always be grateful for that. Ironically only later did I find out that Myst IV is region free and my specially bought to play it chipped Xbox actually has sound issues with the game. It plays perfectly on an unmodified PAL consoles.

        After that with the games becoming PC exclusive I was frozen out of the series, I didn't even own a computer then let alone one that could play games. But, again, being able to play Myst V and Uru, were definitely a significant factor for my, now ridiculously extended, gaming desktop build.

        So the Myst series has been very important to me as a gamer; it motivated me to buy a PS, motivated me to get into importing and through that Xbox modding, contributing to this forum and, eventually, getting into the frustrating world of PC gaming.
        Last edited by fallenangle; 19-10-2013, 12:28.

