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"Unannounced" Capcom Fighter

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    "Unannounced" Capcom Fighter

    This is news to me:

    Capcom is in the process of finding a game designer and programmer to work on a new fighting game, Yoshinori Ono stated on Twitter in a series of comments hinting at the nature of the upcoming...

    It's downright cruel that the article uses the Capcom vs. SNK image really... I suspect it's probably Street Fighter V for Xbox One/PS4 but a SFIV style Darkstalkers would be nice also.

    Making a SFIV style Darkstalkers would be a complete waste of time and resources though.

    CvS3 or SFV please.


      This is Capcom? Surely retooling the Street Fighter IV engine with Darkstalkers stages, characters, moves and menus is just as productive use of time as the whole Street Fighter IV > Super Street Fighter IV > Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition > Ultra Street Fighter IV merry-go-round?

      It obviously is going to be Street Fighter V on PS4/Xbox One but can a girl not dream of something different before the inevitable comes?
      Last edited by Pikate; 24-10-2013, 13:25.


        Originally posted by Pikate View Post
        This is Capcom? Surely retooling the Street Fighter IV engine with Darkstalkers stages, characters, moves and menus is just as productive use of time as the whole Street Fighter IV > Super Street Fighter IV > Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition > Ultra Street Fighter IV merry-go-round?

        It obviously is going to be Street Fighter V on PS4/Xbox One but can a girl not dream of something different before the inevitable comes?
        We could all be waiting a while Pikate. It's been widely reported that Capcom are doing very poorly these days and their cash reserve is dwindling; a story broke a few days ago where a senior Capcom producer wouldn't even commit to a SF IV port on next gen systems due to a lack of resources.
        Last edited by thetrooper; 24-10-2013, 13:45.


          I don't know though, Street Fighter IV is an arcade game and arcade games have a certain level of prestige. SFIV evolved a lot more than some people are willing to admit and as a result has become a great title. Retooling SFIV with Darkstalkers stuff they could do with their current team I feel, if they decided to at all. I kind of feel that they won't do that though, as the result will just be a poor version of SFIV with Darkstalkers stuff chucked in.

          Either way, they're going to have to make something special to top their current SFIV formula.

          They'll also have to perform a miracle to top Third Strike.


            I heard that Ono said he wanted to do another Rival Schools. I sure would love to see that.


              If it's Powerstone 3...I will go nuts!


                I can't remember where but I'm sure I read that poor sales of the Darkstalkers recent updates for PSN had meant Capcom had killed any chance of the series getting a new entry. Presuming it's for next gen and considering the sales figures/budget required surely it has to be either Street Fighter V or Marvel vs Capcom 4? Probably MvC to coincide with Avengers 2 in 2015


                  Yep, I seem to remember the same. Think we might have discussed it here on the boards as it seemed utterly mental to me to take it that there is no market for Darkstalkers because they couldn't shift the exact same Darkstalkers game to us for about the fifth time.

                  Yes, I think I would agree with your guess of MvC4. Although did the third one do well? It didn't seem to get a lot of chatter after release. Must admit I wasn't a fan though so I hardly went looking. I think some sort of versus which would allow them to resuse assets again would be likely but then I also have to wonder about the sales of SFxT...? Something in me tells me that they have done better with the SFIV bunch but I don't have the figures. If that's the case, I can see them going for a very safe SFV that isn't all that different from IV and possibly just builds on the current models and animation.


                    SFxT was terrible and I think the sales reflected that.


                      I might be completely wrong but I think MvC3 sold well but the Ultimate version that followed didn't do so amazing. I think the fighting community has moved on from it a bit too. I know hardcore fans appreciate the long term updates etc but I feel that doing SF4 and Super are fine but stuff like AE and Ultra editions don't help Capcom, sure they cream a bit more $ off fans but they kill a lot of good will too. SF4 hit such a positive wave and now it feels like apathy is setting in again. They need to let their fighters breath, let people build some excitement for a new entry.


                        Originally posted by Zaki Matar View Post
                        If it's Powerstone 3...I will go nuts!
                        Would love to see Power Stone 3. Just played the Arcade version of Power Stone 2 and was great fun although a bit bewildering knowing where to go on the stages. Played this at HOG: Heart Of Gaming in London (which is an amazing place). Definitely prefer Power Stone original much easier to see what was going in and love my PSP version. If they could mix up 1 + 2 that would be great.

                        Just to add why are Power Stone 1 or 2 not in PSN or X-Box live? The mind boggles.
                        Last edited by JU!; 26-10-2013, 19:32.


                          Originally posted by crazytaxinext View Post
                          I can't remember where but I'm sure I read that poor sales of the Darkstalkers recent updates for PSN had meant Capcom had killed any chance of the series getting a new entry. Presuming it's for next gen and considering the sales figures/budget required surely it has to be either Street Fighter V or Marvel vs Capcom 4? Probably MvC to coincide with Avengers 2 in 2015
                          Doubtful it was MvC4 as Utimate MvC was a huge flop, most true fans of the series hated the dumming down of the combat from six buttons to 3, it was just a mess. Capcom's license may have finished now as well.

                          I think Street Fighter V is were the money is as it's the most successfully of the fighting games in recent years.


                            Originally posted by JU! View Post
                            Would love to see Power Stone 3. Just played the Arcade version of Power Stone 2 and was great fun although a bit bewildering knowing where to go on the stages. Played this at HOG: Heart Of Gaming in London (which is an amazing place). Definitely prefer Power Stone original much easier to see what was going in and love my PSP version. If they could mix up 1 + 2 that would be great.

                            Just to add why are Power Stone 1 or 2 not in PSN or X-Box live? The mind boggles.
                            Couldn't have said it better! Especially the last part (with online battle)!


                              Its a bit concerning that Capcom learnt nothing about flooding the market with loads of SF2 versions, which killed the beat em up genre for a while. How many versions of SF IV has there/will there be? I think its far too soon for SF V because of this.

                              But if it is.. Then yes I will be back on that hype train. (Personally would like to see a new Darkstalkers game though)

