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Why Other Next Gens Were Better

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    Why Other Next Gens Were Better

    Just watched this.

    Who doesn't agree?!

    Basically saying how uninspiring the launch is and looking at benchmark launch games like Mario 64 as well as some other, crapper games that did stuff that we hadn't seen before. Good stuff.

    Because there's no Japan.
    Kept you waiting, huh?


      That guy hits the nail on the head with describing Halo. Loved that game at launch - so very good.

      As for the new games seeming uninspiring - it seems to be the way media is moving generally, not just video games.
      Last edited by speedlolita; 03-11-2013, 23:40.


        Good video, I agree as a whole but I don't think that's anything to blame anyone for. I think with past generations it was a case of new hardware unshackling developers and letting them do things they couldn't before whereas today the technology is on a par with developers' abilities and creativity, anything from now on that is revolutionary or a "wow" moment is going to come from a developer driving how we think of games forward in terms of design, not so much from the hardware.

        Unless of course the 2020 'next gen' involves FPSs set in photo-exact real world locations via some kind of Google Street View, all in stunning 4K.
        Last edited by Pikate; 03-11-2013, 23:05.


          I did not know you could do that in starfighter, i'm gonna dig out and plug in my Saturn to see it for myself.


            Depends which way you look at it. In terms of pure day one line ups etc previous gens were mostly fortunate to have great or classic games hit on launch which looks to be something this new gen is missing. However, most of the time those gens then came shackled to often barren line ups for most of the next 12 months which we won't have this time. Given the choice I prefer this new gens approach as though a massively impressive day one line up is exciting I'm not buying my machines on that basis alone so having something to play all year round is more important to me than the day one feel. The classic, stunning looking games will come in time, they always do.
            Last edited by Neon Ignition; 04-11-2013, 06:07.


              Didn't watch the video yet, but I agree 100%. This is THE most uninspired new generation lauch ever seen. Everything is cross-gen, meaning they really don't take any advantages from the new hardware, the games are "crippled" by the current gen. What few actually "next gen" games there are, don't interest me at all. More Forza, Killzone blah blah, seen it all a hundred times but now with more shine, gameplay is the same (or even more linear, streamlined, dumbed down and calculated than before)!

              Originally posted by speedlolita View Post
              As for the new games seeming uninspiring - it seems to be the way media is moving generally, not just video games.
              Yep. It's the same with movies and music really, almost all of them are garbage these days too.

              Originally posted by Pikate View Post
              Good video, I agree as a whole but I don't think that's anything to blame anyone for. I think with past generations it was a case of new hardware unshackling developers and letting them do things they couldn't before whereas today the technology is on a par with developers' abilities and creativity
              I blame the all-mighty dollar. Video games are a huge industry now, bigger than film or music if I remember correctly. It's the suits and the shareholders with their profit-margins that hold mainstream games back these days, there's not really risk taking because everything is so expensive and studios are going over all the time. At least we now have indies to take those risks and make new and interesting games, thank space jesus, without them the hobby would be pretty muched doomed.


                I think the big difference with the upcoming Next Gen launch is that this is the first time that i have not had to import a machine months ahead of the official UK/Europe launch. On one hand im very grateful not having to fork out for expensive impots but on the other hand i do miss the buzz and excitement of getting a new machine months before the UK release.


                  Originally posted by Tobal View Post
                  I did not know you could do that in starfighter, i'm gonna dig out and plug in my Saturn to see it for myself.
                  Yeah! That actually makes it pretty cool!


                    Agreed - totally uninteresting game line-up. The first next gen launch day I won't be bothering with. I'll wait and pick up a XBone when the price drops and there's some games worth buying.


                      There is no system seller for either at launch. Pure and simple.

                      Super Marioworld single handedly made me buy a SNES. Tetris a Gameboy.... And Halo an Xbox.

                      Out of all those highlights at launch the biggest one is Halo, why. Simply because at the time I was so entrenched in PS2 I couldn't see me bothered with any other platform and yet that game alone convinced me I was wrong and needed an Xbox.

                      Right now I think Titanfall is about the only game shaping up as a system seller but it's weight is somewhat diminished by it coming to PC as well (and 360 but that's a step back). These are the days we live in...


                        I don't even think there is a game any more that would make me fork out for a console bar Zelda. Final Fantasy has let me down for years now. PES is a shadow of what it used to be. Ridge Racer hasn't really been top drawer for 10 years. Wipeout has no clout any more.
                        There are lots of good games, nothing I would buy a machine for apart from Zelda.


                          Originally posted by cutmymilk View Post
                          Just watched this.

                          Who doesn't agree?!
                          Me . There's been some utter **** launches in the past and he's not being really fair has he's not comparing domestic launches in the console native region as the Cube did not launch with Star Wars RS II for starters but just 3 games .

                          Maybe he and others moaning should remember that the the Mega Drive launched with Super Thunder Blade and Space Harrer 2, the Saturn with Virtual Fighter , Gale Racer and Tamra , the DC (which people seem to love) only launched with VF 3, Pen Pen TriIcelon
                          Godzilla Generations, July and it wasn't much better with the PS or PS2 and even the N64 could only manage 3 titles (ok 2 were gems) but even then N64 Pioltwings could only manage low res 20 fps - and that was meant to be a next gen machine and then you had the software drought with the Cube , N64 and DC where we waiting for months for quality software to come and where you couldn't have careless if it was cross over or a port you just wanted software to play on the system

                          There's far too much looking back with rose tinted glasses imo .


                            Why would he look at consoles native regions?


                              Originally posted by nakamura View Post
                              Why would he look at consoles native regions?
                              Because back in the classic days . Western launches had a few months over their Japanese launches to start to get some more decent software . Some here love the Mega Drive and DC and forget just how dire their launch software really was, until those system launched in the West ...

                              These days console launches between regions are now just weeks and lets all remember the 360 or PS3 launch line ups were far from stellar (if you take out the 3rd party ports)

