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PS4-bound Uncharted

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    The graphics ND got out of the PS3 was incredible. I reckon this'll be well worth playing.


      Graphically, i'm sure it will be a real showcase for the ps4.

      I thought Uncharted 3 was awful, so lets hope they try a few new things


        They could and should make a game in a similar vein, but set it in a totally new universe. Trilogies are best left as trilogies, just look at Star Wars. All UC4 would be is the same game just with shinier graphics. It's exactly this kind of non-originality that is keeping me from buying a PS4. The industry needs to be brave enough to try something new. I already played Uncharted last time around. This time I want to play something new.
        Kept you waiting, huh?


          Realistically high budget videogames are only becoming more conservative, and the gaming audience at large is even more receptive to sequels than the film audience. They will no doubt make something new for PS4, but an Uncharted 4 will come first. Sony won't want to take any chances.


            There's more batmans already than uncharted so the ps4 is prime for one.

            Edit @joe, that's why Sony have courted and got so many indie devs on board. Get the grass route development going again and see what people can come up with. Once these indies have made a game or two Sony can then suggest a larger project and build them from there.

            It's a good long term strategy that's already paying off with smaller titles coming out on ps3, ps4 & vita fairly regularly.
            Last edited by fishbowlhead; 05-03-2014, 11:42.


              I hope dearly that naughty Dog are working on some additional projects for PS4 together with a new Uncharted. They have proven that they can appease series' fans and those who want to play new titles with The Last of Us, meaning they can be versatile and still achieve high quality results.

              Kind of curious to see a more substantial trailer/details of Uncharted 4 now tbh. I'm sure E3 '14 will be more giving with both of these things.



                First Amy Henning and now the director of Uncharted 4, Justin Richmond, leaves Naughty Dog. Wonder what's going on there, hopefully it's not anything dramatic and doesn't affect the development of Uncharted 4 too much.


                  Neil Druckmann (lead designer Uncharted 2 and creative directer The Last of Us) and Bruce Straley (game director Uncharted 2 and The Last of Us) will take over, Justin Richmond did uncharted 3 most recently, and that is considered by some to be the weakest of the series so far.

                  As a gamer im not worried its two people out of hundreds and the last of us team is still there so i think uncharted is still in safe hands.
                  Last edited by Lebowski; 28-03-2014, 08:52.


                    Double post.


                      Originally posted by GUts
                      hopefully it's not anything dramatic and doesn't affect the development of Uncharted 4 too much.

                      Nah. I'm sure the lead writer and the director leaving won't affect the development at all.

                      Seriously I'm sure the game will be fine.


                        I don't think it will affect it too much, a director to finish a game that's likely in its last months of development won't be hard to find and the writing will already be done. It's hardly the first game to have staff changes, it just gets reported because its a big franchise. Straleys still there and he directed UC1, 2 and LoU so I'm sure he could get UC4 over the finish line fine if need be.

