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How much longer for current gen PSN/XBLA?

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    How much longer for current gen PSN/XBLA?

    Having returned from a long trip abroad, and noticing that I've missed a lot of releases on both PSN and XBLA*, it suddenly struck me: how much longer will we be able to access PSN and XBLA from our current gen systems?

    Do we need to engage in mass panic buying before they shut down the old gen servers?

    Do we still have a few years to mop up the last of the good releases? Also, what about when they do shut it down? Presumably I'll never get access to my bought content unless I upgrade my hardware?

    * On a side related note, what decent/unusual games have been released since mid-September? Had a look on the XBLA store via my PC, and about the only thing that seems noteworthy is The Bridge. Not bothered with PSN since it's utterly impossible to navigate, but Rain and Survivor both look interesting. Any others?

    XBLA is more likely to disappear first I reckon, simply because there is a precedent - Microsoft ditched online support for the original XBox within 2 years. Sony have a history of supporting their previous formats for longer.


      Originally posted by Shakey_Jake33 View Post
      XBLA is more likely to disappear first I reckon, simply because there is a precedent - Microsoft ditched online support for the original XBox within 2 years. Sony have a history of supporting their previous formats for longer.
      Xbox Live v1 was turned off in 2010, the 360 launched in 2005...

      Whilst they still have millions of users spending money they have no reason to turn it off. There were less than 50 people online when they turned off V1.


        tons of stuff left on PS3 to play and with PS+ it will continue for some time. I will still have mine for some time, not sure about 360 as I hardly use it


          I think we're ok on PS3 PSN for a long time yet. Isn't the PSP store still running?

          While people are paying ?40 a year for PS+ on PS3 it should carry on for a while yet.


            Originally posted by Sketcz View Post

            Not bothered with PSN since it's utterly impossible to navigate,
            You can make purchases and navigate psn through the sony website, very straightforward and easy to navigate.


              That's... not bad. Many thanks. I put in order of Newest Releases First, and it shows Watchdogs. Presumably it's a pre-order for release in 2014?


                Brothers : A Tale of Two Sons is meant to be pretty unusual and fantastic, its out on PSN.


                  And also on XBLA. I loved it.

