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Fatal Frame 2 (aka project zero 2)

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    Fatal Frame 2 (aka project zero 2)

    I just ordered this from playasia, anyone played it yet?

    And I can't seem to find the trailers on the official site , anyone got a direct link..still i looks good, I wonder if this is also based on a true story like the first?


    I haven't put an order in yet. Waiting for a bit more info first. Siren has recently re-defined the horror game genre for me, and I hope Fatal Frame 2 can measure up.


      Yeah Siren looks amazing! first I was like "oh no not zombis again" but after having watched the!

      And by what people have said here.

      There is a review of fatan frame 2 at but well ....



        The original was was ace in terms of atmosphere and story, but I got about half way through and lost interest. This was mainly down to saving just before a boss battle with hardly any energy and hardly any film... Not a good corner to be stuck in!

        I'll definitely be checking out the sequel though.


          You should go back and replay this, Ive played it through twice now and still love the game. The ending is very cool and well worth experiencing.

          Needless to say, this is on its way to me from PA, hopefully it will arrive very soon. More of the same please


            I love the original game to bits, and I'm frantically hoping that the sequal gets an Xbox port. Oh well, I suppose I've got Fatal mode to work through in the mean time...


              Do you know as shocking as this is,I have had the game for ages and never played it!

              I am a big fan of the survival horror genre and really should get round to giving it a good going over!

              Please forgive me


                Originally posted by sofasurfer
                Do you know as shocking as this is,I have had the game for ages and never played it!

                I am a big fan of the survival horror genre and really should get round to giving it a good going over!

                Please forgive me
                Play it at once, you fool! Or we'll send
                Originally posted by spoiler
                Blinded & Co
                after you!


                  Got it over the weekend and I can truely say its better than fatal frame 1!
                  The play area's are larger and the whole game looks more polished. The gameplay is the same but the ghosts omg the ghosts, are made to act like the ones from the movie ju-on, so if you've seen that you know what I mean, the first ghost you encounter is nothing short of terrifying (and I'm a horror fan!)
                  I got Siren too and I think this is more disturbing / scarey.
                  Sure Siren has more tension / adrenaline rish, but some of the ghosts in FF2, especially the one that jacks you at a save point, think long hairded weird crawling thing SLOWLY coming towards you.....the actualy character models look better quality and higher rez' than ff1.
                  The story is seriously disturbing - twin sisters killing one another - this is not a spoiler you find this out while watching the promo video.
                  Sorry but I find this much more frightening than Siren!



                    how playable is this game in jap? is there a languge option? if this has already been covered then my apologies........



                      You will miss alot of the story (though its kinda obvious and you can get the general jist of it) - for instance there are alot of scaprbook notes etc.
                      so far the puzzles have NOT been dependant on reading through the notes. I'm upto chapter 4 now btw. Its nothing like the objective based stuff in Siren.
                      Its just getting scarier and scarier! And the ramdom ghosts that appear are getting er "****ing disturbing" to put it lightly, lots of cool motion blur.

                      Last night I wasd ashamed of myself I was scared to go across a few rooms to a save point, .....crawling ghosts......

                      Trailer for the game is here:


