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Going to China, need game buying recomendations

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    Going to China, need game buying recomendations

    Sorry, didnt know if this maybe should have gone in off topic or Q+A

    Well, a relative is going, and said I could have anything I wanted, and told me to make a list. Its Beijing BTW.
    Now, being Asia, Ijm guessing they can pick up som cool Japanese items for cheap, as well as China specific items.

    Im tempted by the iQue, and of course theres china only Famicom games like "Huang DI"

    I also rememeber a while back, there was a portable DC with LCD, and it played USA games, made and sold only in China, or was it Hong Kong?
    Some info on this would be great.

    Relative is not going to Hong Kong though.

    I asked for some soundtracks, like the new Street Fighter music album, but am not sure on what else.

    If you had this oppurtunity, what would YOU go for?

    Im of course putting some good games on the list, since the asian copies would go down nicely. (legit Asian games come with English and Japanese instructions Im sure you know)

    Also, thanks to the exchange rate, it should be quite cheap.

    So many choices, all for free, arrrgh, what to do? my mind has gone completely blank. Japanese items I could easily think of, but Im not so hot on chinas consumer goods.

    List some good Chinese films as well if you know them. I know the "chinese ghost story" and "Fong sai yuk" series are excellent, but what else?
    Heard there was a new film release recently, called "number one killer" or something, had a cool grenade death sequence in a prison. Cant rememeber its name though.

    So, there you have it, Id like you to wax lyrically on china's finest.

    number one killer
    my very basic understanding of english to japanese would place this as 'ichi the killer'.

    not seen it myself but I do intend to pick it up.

    My old friend Tianliu in china once told me that they sell really nice wallscrolls for anime and videogames extremely cheap in china. He once mentioned to me he'd go there to visit his family and bring me back loads of cool ****.

    Alas he was deported for gravedigging...


      deported for gravedigging?

      are you kiddin me?

      actually cool post, the whole paragraph was surreal and unusual, I like it, were you going for some kind of noir typing style?

      anyway, I checked, its called
      Fulltime Killer

      seriously badass grenade in prison scene. This guy throws about 20 grenades into a rpsion cell to kill some guy. Then takes out a single grenade, pulls the one pin from that, and chucks it in. The guy in the cell is trapped, and is desperately trying to find the 1 grenade with no pin. classic.

      Dunno about scrolls, might be tricky to organise.

      Some good game soundtrack recomendations would also go down well.


        Fulltime Killer
        I saw that at the cinema this year actually. Having heard the scene described I know what you're on about. Do try to hunt down a DVD of it.
        Andy Lau is in it, who was also in The Duel, it also has 1 or 2 references to video games which is good for geeks like ourselves.

        ...and yes gravedigging, long story.

        The short version...

        Originally posted by Tianliu
        I'm keeping fit?!
        silly boy still has my system shock 2, probably buried

        game soundtracks...

        Zone of the Enders, I always liked the theme tune for that.
        Dark Chronicle, my most recently played rpg had some extremely catchy tunes as well as some ambient mellow arrangements.

        Wallscrolls would be a bugger, but remember you can fit 5 or 6 in one tube.


          I had so totally forgotten about the whole grave digging episode. I think I may still have the newspaper clipping somewhere.


            I would still like some info on the portable chinese DC

            Aparantly it came with a 6 button pad, lacking a joystick, and internally was like the USA model. Meaning it ran USA games.

            Anyone? got good info on chinese gaming items?

            any other good soundtracks? or possibly good games?

            come on, surely we have some china afficiandos here?


              You're not going to find a great deal of gaming goodies in China unless you're looking for pirate gear, then you'll be talking of about ?4-5 for a GBA game. Most gaming appears to be done on PCs, and again its mostly pirate IME.

              As for movies, VCD is still the main format (although DVD is getting more popular) and again copies are available everywhere, although there is a lot of legit stuff too. Unfortunately you'll probably struggle to find many (asian movies) with english subs or western movies with english audio.


                Originally posted by rumbletum
                You're not going to find a great deal of gaming goodies in China unless you're looking for pirate gear, then you'll be talking of about ?4-5 for a GBA game. Most gaming appears to be done on PCs, and again its mostly pirate IME.

                As for movies, VCD is still the main format (although DVD is getting more popular) and again copies are available everywhere, although there is a lot of legit stuff too. Unfortunately you'll probably struggle to find many (asian movies) with english subs or western movies with english audio.

                No english audio or subs, damn that sucks also.

                Still, Ill ask them to keep an eye for the DC hardware, and maybe Ill just ask for a couple of famicom clones.

                Hmm, you see, I dunno, how dofferent is China to hong Kong? Im guessing alot.

                GBA games for ?4?!

                hmm, might ask to look for a flash cart, purely for testing homemade programs you understand.

                Anyway, thanks for the headsup, didnt know about the VCD usage for example. Still, they run on all standard DVD players, or so I hear, so may have to look into that.


                it says hong kong only, but im hoping china will have them as well.

                Also, can I upload new iQue games via PC?
                Because if it can only be done via special chinese terminals, then theres not much point in getting it, apart from novelty value.


                  Yeah, VCDs should run on your DVD player without problem.

                  Consoles are yet to make any kind of impact in China as yet. Just to illustrate, I bought my cousin a GBA last christmas and not only had he never seen or heard of one, neither had any of his classmates. He doesnt live in some rural area either, he's a 13year old living in a large city, one of the prime target groups for the console manufacturers.

