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Alien: Isolation (Current and Next Gen)

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    Alien: Isolation (Current and Next Gen)

    Taken from Eurogamer:

    The Alien Isolation leaks continue: first it was artwork, now it's screenshots.

    The four images, below, popped up on Twitter overnight. Eurogamer has been able to confirm they are indeed in-game screenshots from Creative Assembly's new Alien game, which is reported to revolve around Amanda Ripley, daughter of the Ellen Ripley character made famous by actress Sigourney Weaver.

    The images show the interior of an installation as well as that iconic motion tracker from the films.

    A Kotaku report from October claimed the game was a first-person shooter that combines stealth and horror to achieve something akin to Dishonored and BioShock. Twentieth Century Fox recently trademarked the name Alien Isolation.

    Isolation is apparently on course for a current and next-gen console release (and presumably also PC) at some point next year. Sega declined to comment on this latest leak when contacted by Eurogamer.

    So the next Alien will be made by guys who have a history making RTS games?

    Genuinely find this comforting to hear for some reason. Think given the intricacies of making an RTS will help in creating a more vivid world given it's going to be more Bioshock/Dishonored.

    I damn sure don't trust Rebellion or Gearbox to do a good job anyway.


      I guess it has been already pointed out how retarded the idea of Ripley's daughter fighting aliens is?


        She's like an old woman in the second one right?


          Or dead, I don't remember clearly. In any case, it's so forced and dumb idea that it isn't even funny. I think we already made fun of this in another thread for this game.


            Who cares about the story if they game the look, feel and gameplay right. There have been worse Alien plots.


              I do tbh.

              The story part isn't exactly that hard to get right is it?

              *ship finds facehugger, aliens are created, you discover aftermath*

              Add all new characters job done.


                Indeed, Kit.

                Thing is, there's absolutely no reason for the main character to be Ripley's daughter. It doesn't add anything and only pisses all over the storyline established in the films. It's retarded. And if this is an indication of their imagination then I wouldn't hold much hope for the game in general. But then again, Alien games have been **** since AvP2, so like 13 years or something?

                Anyway, only Alien game I was interested in was Aliens RPG by Obsidian and the morons at Sega canned it to focus on the Colon Marines.

