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Next Gen flows to current gen

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    Next Gen flows to current gen

    Did we already have this thread?

    So now the Xbox One and PS4 first wave of games and updates and fixes has arrived and we've got the hang of how everything works now (change )

    So what's good and what needs improving?

    I can only talk about the Xbox One.
    The need to load an app for achievements is a bit of a drag - having it a hard part of the dash on the 360 was fast and efficient. The One App seems totally over the top.
    Upload and Upload Studio - 2 separate apps? what the.... And why is the viewing app called Upload? Crazy stuff. Should all be one thing.
    "Xbox record that" - pretty cool. I'm using kinect a fair bit.
    Still can't believe how dreadful the Netflix interface is. The xbox video app is soooo much better, with its genre choices and layout.
    Like the little white lights on the box and kinect and pad.
    Could do with a pad battery warning indicator (on screen?)
    Integration with the Nexus etc. in Battlefield 4 is pretty cool, changing loadouts and server selection.
    Graphics at times are pretty impressive due to extra processing power.
    Nice and quiet.

    PS4 needs to improve:

    - Dual Shock issue with rubber falling off
    - Ability to turn off the Dual Shock LED
    - The store is still poor compared to 360
    - There are serious bugs with the OS: Picture browsing and Cloud saves as examples
    - Movie rentals in Norway would be nice
    - Screen shot feature UI is not smooth, and takes a screen shot of the desktop, when you enter it
    - A video editing feature is needed, and Youtube uploads should be supported
    - The friends and messages UI is very basic and could do with usability enhancements.
    - 500GB is too little
    - No cross play with XBL
    - Headset is balls.
    - PS+ needed for online games
    - Needs a Vita app to allow browsing of content, and better access from a PC
    - Needs better Bluray support (3d) and MP3 support
    -1080p is still not in reach for all games, BF4 only runs at 900p

    PS4 is good at:

    + Games look fantastic, and multiplats are best on PS4 currently
    + It seems on paper and in use to be damn powerful
    + Games have been priority 1. Extra features and UI enhancements come after that
    + Its quiet in operation
    + You can swap the harddrive
    + The UI is very fast indeed!
    + The LED on the console is very cool. Looks like an EMC VNX San
    + Sony seem to be ontop of what is important to a 20-45 year old gamer, making good moves
    + Image upload to twitter is great, especially for gamers wanting an online diary of their games
    + Devs seem very happy with the design, and hopefully that will help them make great games
    + Remote Play on PSVita is a nice feature, clearly niche but a great gesture to the core
    + PS+ already has several free games, right at launch! Impressive indeed.
    + Supports a tonne of USB headsets
    Last edited by capcom_suicide; 27-01-2014, 16:44.


      Came in here to post but CS nailed the PS4 in both good and bad.


        The store needs improving but I find it a lot better than the XBO's. Altering the LED on the DS4 would be nice but Sony's already ruled it out. The screen/vid options and menus need improving though, they're much better on XBO


          Option to use content manager on PS4 -> Vita needs to happen.

          Unless it's there and I missed it.


            Yep Sony said recently the joypad light won't be going away anytime soon. Two layers or electrical tape does the job instead.

            Agree with C-S's points, plus another little minus for the PS4 is not being able to sort the trophies, by ones completed etc - could on the PS3 so why not on the PS4??

