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For blue/green gamers, will you pay both PSN+ and XBL Gold?

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    For blue/green gamers, will you pay both PSN+ and XBL Gold?

    Over here in Norway the XB1 is still not released and there isn't even an official date yet. Some say April, others say June. The official statement is "As early as possible in 2014."

    I therefore picked up a PS4 in November and have been very happy with it, but I had to pay for PSN+ to play BF4 online. (I also think PSN+ provides good value for money on my Vita, PS3 and PS4 with games that seem quite new to me!)

    Then yesterday I got my billing email from Microsoft to remind me that my gold subscription would auto-renew in April. My 360 is used to rent movies and as a Minecraft player for the kids, so I decided to cancel the sub. (This was harder than it sounds, you have to use a webbrowser and go through many steps!)

    Which is why I'm here. 9 years is quite a long time in gaming and I was surprised how little thought I gave to dropping XB Gold in this way. It's not that much money, but just seemed a waste to pay.

    So I wondered if anyone else had been in a similar position? Hence the Poll

    EDIT: I can't change the Poll, wanted to add:

    I didn't have a subscription before, but now have ordered XBL Gold.
    Yes, I cancelled PSN+ and joined XBL Gold
    Yes, I cancelled XBL Gold and joined PSN+
    I didn't have a subscription before, but now have ordered PSN+
    I didn't have a subscription before, but now have ordered XBL Gold.

    I dropped gold last year but picked it up again when i got the xbox one, there seems to have been a shift in what people are willing to pay for gold with subs being readily available for under ?30 in the UK (I payed ?24 for the year)

    i haven't hesitated with the PS+ subs i was already paying for them before the ps4 came out, the free games for ps-vita and PS3 made me purchase a vita and i own only 2 retail boxed games for my vita thanks to ps+ .

    I like the fact that Microsoft have said it needs to work on its games for gold program and acknowledged that it hasn't been that great so far, its nice that it will be coming to the xbox one at some point too.
    Last edited by Lebowski; 11-03-2014, 09:06.


      A Mod can edit the poll for you if you PM one nicely.

      I went for
      "I didn't have a subscription before, but now have ordered PSN+"
      reason being, I'm normally quite a fussy gamer and the games cropping up on PS+ for PS3 didn't appeal personally or I had already played them. But on the PS4 there have been so many new releases go straight on PS+ it was silly not to subscribe.

      Paid ?33 for 12 months the other week, so works out about 65p a week, that's the same as a Mars Bar, Sony has made it so it's silly not to take them up on PS+ if you have a PS4 especially.

      From what I've seen of MS's free games they're years old and can probably be picked up used for a few quid. Could be wrong.


        Had Plus for ages now and subbed for a few years ahead, with the way Sony have it there's little reason not to. I've dropped in and out of Gold though, unless a major mp title like Titanfall releases where its required there's little reason to have it. Didn't miss it on my 360 either, certainly one area MS lags


          I didn't sub for PS+ in the past, but am likely to do so now. I have a 3 month trial at the moment (Japanese account) and will likely renew.

          Online gaming is part of the reason, but I also feel I should be part of the free games programme from the get-go this time. I missed out on a huge amount with the PS3 by not subscribing to PS+


            I'll vote once the poll is fixed but basically I went with PS+ pretty much as soon as it was available. It just seemed like it would be great value for money for anyone who plays a lot of games.


              My gold went a year last March, and I joined ps+ for the first time when I bought a ps4 on launch.


                Same as the man above. Ive had PS+ since nearly the start and always though it was amazing value. Gold i use to have, bought it for Halo 4 and enjoyed it, but as others say its not essential, might get a month or 3 months if i pick up Titanfall on 360.


                  I was Live enabled since the 360 launch, but I let it lapse as I wasn't playing online.
                  I was shocked at how much you lose when you're only Silver.
                  I subscribed to PS+ when it was ?20. I bought a load more when I realised just what good value it is, so I'm subbed until 2016.

                  I now regret it because I really don't have the time to use it. I've completed Dark Souls and dabbled with Saints Row III, Joe Danger 2 and Thomas Was Alone since subscribing, and that's it from the PS+ games. (Having a tiny hard drive makes things awkward too).

                  I then played some co-op games with k0pp0 on the 360, using the Live sub I'd saved for EDF 2025.

                  Now I'm stuck between PS+ with it's amazing game selection, but shoddy online experience or 360 Live with it's benchmark online experience but offensively restrictive Golden wall and pathetic free games selection.

                  I'm loving EDF 2025 so much that I'd definitely renew my Live sub just to continue playing it online, but when I'm done with that, I'm not very motivated to renew it other than to play through some random co-op games.


                    I've PM'd a mod to add "I didn't have a subscription before, but now have ordered XBL Gold."

                    Thanks everyone for your feedback so far! I would imagine this is important for the platform holders and the results so far are interesting.


                      As soon as I decided to get a PS4 I let my Gold expire at the end of the term (October) and got a PS+ to get some games on my unused PS3 (to get used to the analogues of the dual shock).

                      Recently however I rebought a 3 month gold sub for EDF2025 which of course I have not managed to actually play. But it has reminded me how much I missed Sky Go (I use my mums Sky account )

                      So I will be subscribing to both again until they decide to cut off the 360.

                      I hate how much the lack of Gold bars you from doing almost anything (like sending messages to friends on ffs!!) but as its quite easy to get cheap subs I can just write it off as a TV subscription instead.


                        Added 5th option: I didn't have a subscription before, but now have ordered XBL Gold.


                          I've been Live for a long time fro the online action. Don't see me dropping it any time soon.


                            It would be great to get more votes, currently we are bit Sony heavy and I doubt seriously that MS has lost 64% of new/old customers to Sony!


                              What's a blue/green gamer? I can't tell if I'm supposed to vote on this or not. I have a PS+ sub (2 in fact, one in each of two regions) but I didn't cancel anything to get it.

