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New KENJI ENO game in the works! KAKEXUN

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    New KENJI ENO game in the works! KAKEXUN

    I suppose this is both publicity for myself as well as the late Mr Eno, but I sincerely would like more people to be aware of the KAKEXUN project.

    We all know Kenji Eno, right? The man is a legend. A trilogy of incredible survival horror games, featuring cannibalism and other wild stuff. He publicly snubbed Sony in favour of Sega. He made an audio-only game for blind people to enjoy. He gave away free condoms with a 3DO game which probably influenced Nintendo's WarioWare. He invented a totally new way of using vending machines. In later years he focused on music, and then made You, Me, and the Cubes for Wii. He had a lot of unfulfilled game ideas.

    He may have passed away, but his former colleagues have banded together to use crowd-funding to bring to life one of his game ideas, with more planned for the future.

    I interviewed Katsutoshi Eguchi on this subject, while in Japan. He drew a map of the offices where they made D2.

    Although Motion-Gallery is Japanese, there is an English explanation.
    There's also a set of step-by-step instructions, for those tempted to back.

    Even if you don't back, I think we should spread the word. I think it's also worth discussing.

    How many other games were released posthumously? I could think of none. Someone else pointed out that Gunpey was released posthumously. It happens with books and films, but not so much games. I like the idea that those closest to Eno have used his notebooks and plans to forge ahead with one of his titles.

    This feels like the kind of thing crowd-funding is meant for.

    Cool way to respect the man and his legacy.

    Never played any of Eno's games, but the industry needs more of the crazy, creative types with original game ideas.

