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Bloodborne [PS4]

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    Was wondering that myself. Would be great, but I don't know. I think the game's got the potential to be a system seller, especially seeing as how hype built and built for DS2, but I don't know... I've just got a nagging feeling it'll do well, just not be a system seller. The masses don't like hard games.


      Well, it will sell some systems. There will be Demon's Souls lovers who have not boarded the next gen train that will get a PS4 because of this. Not huge numbers though I'd guess.


        I don't see the hype I saw with DS2. Maybe closer to release when its being promoted more?


          There's very quickly some big name titles dropping in the new year, the Souls series does well but has built that up over time and by being multi-platform. I'd kind of expect this to at best sell just over 1m given its platform exclusive, doesn't have the brand recognition and whilst Souls fans are very ardent, more casual players who might have heard the hype for previous games will have already had their curiosity sated by those games. Should be a nice seller but I think the roof has been hit already for the Souls series appeal let alone a separate IP.


            I skipped DS2 following the mixed reception, but this I'd buy a PS4 for.


              Looking very good, definitely want this


                the 15 minutes demo i played at gamescom 2014 was a big letdown, both technically and gameplay-wise. luckily i still have the Dark Souls 2 DLC to play.


                  Care to elaborate more?


                    Originally posted by PeteJ View Post
                    I skipped DS2 following the mixed reception, but this I'd buy a PS4 for.
                    Yeah - it's been the weakest of the bunch for me. Still decent, but a little all over the place. I'm very ready for Blooborne


                      30 minute gameplay video posted on Eurogamer

                      Bloodborne 30 Minute Gameplay Walkthrough TGS 2014:


                        Originally posted by briareos_kerensky View Post
                        Care to elaborate more?
                        Bloodborne may turn out a decent game but for me the demo was too far from a next gen Demon Souls, which is what i was hoping for. i guess.


                          Already done! I need to be in this.


                            This is one game where I think involvement in an alpha or beta would spoilt it for me.


                              Played a bit of this today. Plays very much like the soul games. I never got far in any of them so don't really know the differences. Is transforming weapons new?

                              It's beautifully animated and was fun trying to figure out how to go about eliminating groups of enemies but the gunners really made it kinda annoying but that sense of accomplishment is still there.

