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Game Digital Virtual Shares

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    Game Digital Virtual Shares

    Got an email the other day telling me I was one of 20,000 to be selected to receive these virtual shares. Apparantly I have ?100 worth and can convert these to game points if I go to the store I nominated as my home store. Anyone else received such a mail? If they have, done anything about it? Is it worth my while to go trailing down town do this. Thinking its going to end up more like getting ?2 or ?3 off a game over ?xx here and there.

    Sounds like some kind of con. Did the email mention a Nigerian prince of some description?


      Is legit,

      Read that thread Chang, worth ?100 of game instore credit by looks of it.

      When did you get the email? guess I wasn't one of the lucky ones.


        yeah i got an email saying it was there intention to do this and they would be selecting 20,000 people to get these, I'm not sure how giving away 200 grands worth of free game stuff will help them, you can keep them though and if game do well on the stock market the value of these will go up

        so yeah get down to game as quick as you can RUN MAN RUN
        Last edited by Lebowski; 12-06-2014, 10:11.


          I got it too, didn't release its worth ?100. Thats pretty awesome, will be going down to game to make the exchange thats for sure.


            I think it's a great idea personally and helps increase customer loyalty if people have a stake in your business. Offering staff shares too is another good idea (although I assume it's just the managers and deputy managers that get these).

            If I had received any I'd be tempted to hold on to them and sell at some point rather than cash-in via some sort of discount scheme.


              I would cash in as quickly as possible before Game go down the drain again. I didn't receive any sadly!


                I didn't explain what I meant that well when I said hold on to them. Personally I'd rather have money than GAME credit however that said if it's an immediate ?100 versus having to wait to be able to sell then maybe it is better to cash out straight away.


                  Originally posted by Mgear View Post
                  I didn't explain what I meant that well when I said hold on to them. Personally I'd rather have money than GAME credit however that said if it's an immediate ?100 versus having to wait to be able to sell then maybe it is better to cash out straight away.
                  Yeah you can only ever cash out for GAME credit and it has certain dates over 3 years that you can do it. You can also cash out 50% or 100%.

                  Also we get the vshares now and can't cash them until Oct which is the first date so they could be worth less / more by oct! Still surly its at least a free game.


                    ^ Cheers. Well in which case cashing out at the earliest opportunity is probably the safest option then.


                      50% and take a gamble with the other half! It's still free after all!


                        Went in store today and picked up my certificate. Was surprised as they have put some effort into it and it's a proper printed card cert.


                          Thanks for the input regarding this, I wont get into town till Monday thanks to some beastly nightshifts I have to work but I'm happier knowing that its not an utter waste of time. Have already been scheming how to spend these shares haha. Can only hope they retain the indicative value come October and will use them to buffer against the cost of that new shiny white PS4 or possibly the CE AC Unity


                            Yeah game season starts approaching come Oct ready for Xmas so will certainly help.

                            Hopfully they will retain value or even grow!


                              Update from game! -

                              At the time they were issued, your virtual shares were worth ?2 each (based on the launch price of Game Digital plc). Since the launch of the shares I'm pleased to announce that the share value as of last night has risen to ?2.82. This means that the total value of your virtual shares is now ?141.

                              In 15 days (16th October) it will be your first opportunity to make a decision on what to do with your shares. You will have 3 options:

                              1. Redeem 100% of your virtual shares for GAME Reward points
                              2. Redeem 50% of your virtual shares for GAME Reward points
                              3. Redeem 0% of your virtual shares for GAME Reward points

                              Take some time over the next 2 weeks to decide what you want to do with your virtual shares. Remember that the value of shares can rise or fall. Also bear in mind that if the company decides to pay dividends on Game Digital plc shares, then you may end up with more value in your virtual share account if you have chosen to keep more of your shares.

                              Is it me or does that read as if they going to convert ?141 into what you would get if you spent that in store? So about ?1.40? lol. Guess we will see soon!

