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Live game streaming - Twitch etc.

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    Live game streaming - Twitch etc.

    Has anyone either streamed their own stuff or watched other people play with Twitch?

    Apparently it's mega popular.

    Nintendo doesn't seem interested:

    I'd rather be playing games than watching someone else, but my son loves watching Stampylongnose minecraft vids on youtube to get ideas.

    If you have used it, was it a one off or a regular thing?

    I've watched some Mario Kart 8 bits on there in the last few days, that's about it. Novely soon wore off and watching people in menu's/loading screens etc isn't the most enthralling.


      I find even watching pro-gamers stream can get very boring. Watching guys who usually make decently edited videos play live is very underwhelming.


        I don't understand it. If I want to watch playthroughs etc there is Youtube.


          Daughter will watch Minecraft videos to get ideas for stuff yeah. I don't do it or watch it though.


            Nope - never watch Twitch stuff (apart fro the E3 confs).

            DO watch some of the YouTube channels though - Levelcap and Jackfrags. Totalbiscuit too.


              What happens when you press the "share" button on the PS4 pad?

              Does it pop up "Sometimes I eat a whole packet of biscuits to myself" or "I find my wife's sister is very attractive"?

              I've watched a few YouTube videos of EDF 2025 recently for some tactics, but the variety of weapons and classes means they're infrequently any use. Plus they just make me wish I was at home playing it myself.

              Can you stream footage of your face as you are watching something on Netflix?


                I do sometimes stream fro the One, however usually nobody connects to the stream most of the time.


                  Any of the ones I have looked at on the PS4 are absolute gash quality and surely serve no purpose that I can think of whatsoever. I don't really see the point unless I was interested in buying the game being played, however if the visual is not representative of the game its useless.

                  I heard the news article about the girl in the US this week who was weirdly being watched by thousands of boys/blokes, as she was playing a armed burglar walked into the room and threatened her. I guess advertising everything you have to any watching nutjobs isn't the brightest thing to do.


                    I occasionally stream some Dota 2 from PC, but I'm getting a lot of use out of it streaming PS4 stuff to mates that don't know whether to buy the game I'm playing or not.

                    It's an awesome feature, I've been using it for Destiny as well.


                      I'm yet to dive too deep down the rabbit hole but it's great for tournaments and things, and I've found myself watching some YT vids lately that are extracts from streams where folks are trying out crazy things in games. Spelunky is the main driver for the latter, and whilst I've not had the time to watch these particular streamers I'm fairly sure I would enjoy it. I'd like to give it a shot myself, but I'm a) waiting for the PS4 version and b) not sure why anyone would choose to watch me. Hah!


                        I've streamed myself doing certain endgame dungeons in Tera. Hardest dungeon 3 man for example.

                        Nobody really streams Tera though, which means at times I've been the 2nd most viewed person on Twitch playing Tera - with about 25 viewers. lol

                        One guy I would watch regularly (pacmang) stream Tera in an attempt to get a Twitch partnership. After a year or so though he stopped because due to lack of interest in the game generally on Twitch at least he wasn't getting enough viewers to qualify.

                        The fact that it can be set to capture video which you can later part and upload to YouTube is nice too.

                        Last edited by speedlolita; 13-06-2014, 13:37.


                          My other half uses Twitch much more than I do - We're both part of an FFXIV raiding guild, so Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays either she or someone else in our guild will get a Healer POV stream going of Second Coil of Bahamut up to Turn 9.

                          The problem with me and streaming is unless the kids are both in bed and I've got sound volumes set properly, I don't use a mic and that means you're just watching gameplay with little social interaction, I don't like that. I want to be actively talking over or explaining things as they go.


                            The integration into the new consoles is a great feature and I've found myself testing the feature on people's streams (used it to work out whether COD was worth a go this year).

                            I rarely use Twitch but did use it to watch that Ninja (pro gamer apparently) on Twitch play Destiny. Left it streaming in the background whilst using the PC for other tasks (internet, encoding on Handbrake).

                            Youtube I use all the time for opinions, reviews and trailers etc. Also watched the occasional vlog. Just such a useful website. I can see me using it more and more for gaming content as the popularity increases.


                              Some Day Z bits on Twitch via PC and on my phone. Plus used the PS4 to stream sometimes as can be interesting sometimes weird. Personally I like watching some You Tubers play certain games or Giant Bomb Quick looks.

                              The Pokemon craze was the best Twich thing I have seen so far. Was quite funny, people tapping random stuff in.
                              Last edited by JU!; 15-06-2014, 16:56.

