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Bubble Bobble

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    Bubble Bobble

    Gave this a hammering last night with tommyg, firing up the JAMMA cab in anticipation of my New Zealand Story board arriving.

    Found some dip switches on the net, and realised that i'd been playing Bubble Bobble on the hardest setting for 2 years...

    no wonder i couldn't get half the bonus stuff!

    anyway, back on to medium setting and me and tommyg ploughed onto level 50 without too much trouble, until we both lost our last life at the same time and it was game over... no 10 second continue period of grace with this tough old bastard.

    very looking forward to tom's next visit where we'll stack up with flasks of tea and choccy bics to hammer the sucker.

    anyway, my point? erm...
    i dunno, i just enjoyed it a lot and thought i'd share.
    any other classic games that still get a hammering from you lot?


    I still regularly play Asteroids, can't beat hitting that 99,999 limit and just stasrting all over again!

    And if we're telling stories, I did rather enjoy beating the proverbial out of a good chum of mine on Street Fighter Alpha 2 on PS. The joy of it being that I was playing with my feet rather than my hands. Oh how I mocked him


      I still play loads of old games and get soundly trounced. I'm mostly playing Robotron and Hellfire at the moment.

      I've given up on Ghouls and Ghosts. Either the MD conversion I played as a child was much easier than the arcade version or I've totally forgotten how to play it properly.


        Cabs own.

        I'd forgotten how much fun standing in front of a cab and playing old school games can be! Joystick and button pwnage!! I hardly ever visit arcades anymore so it was ace playing bubble bobble again, cheers muddy, looking forward to the next JAMMA session

        Ghouls and Ghosts! Dam that games tough. Seriously i don't know anyone who's completed it on hard.

        Anybody out there that has?

        My last old school session before Bubble bobble was probably on the megadrive on Thunderforce 3

        Megadrive shoot em ups rock!! Old school games Rock!! Cabs Rock!!

        word to ya mother



          I've never been a massive Bubble Bobble fan. Always liked Rainbow Islands, Bust-A-Move and New Zealand Story more.

          It's a shame Taito aren't a big force in the West anymore.


            It would be nice to see a GBA cart contain all Bobble bubble, Rainbow islands, New Zealand Story and Parastol Stars (Not sure spelling) for us to use on GBA


              Originally posted by Legendary
              It would be nice to see a GBA cart contain all Bobble bubble, Rainbow islands, New Zealand Story and Parastol Stars (Not sure spelling) for us to use on GBA

              As in Umbrella!


                Bubble Bobble; one of the finest video games ever created, tbh.

                I used to LOVE this game as a kid and can't think of a single thing wrong with it.


                  The one thing I love about Bubble Bobble is that for what seems like such an amazingly simple game, there is so much to it.

                  Secret Rooms, multiple endings, naughty words on the high score table. It's got the lot and it's damn fine to play as well.

                  In fact the game is so deep, I reckon there's probably still stuff hidden away in it, yet to be found.


                    damn, i'd kill for a GBA cart with TNZS, Bubble Bobble (a good fixed screen make of the classic), Rainbow Islands & Parasol Stars... maybe even chuck in a Bust A Move for the puzzle tangent and you'd sell bucket loads of this cart, to both old and new gamers.

                    C, you're right about being BB being deep. there's so much in it and it all floods back to you each time you play.



                      The GBA Bubble Bobble (old and new) with the link cable is fantastic. Probably the best handheld version of Bubble Bobble you can get (have not played the game gear version).

                      You can change between slight scrolling or full screen, but i prefer slight scrolling. It really is good fun.

                      Plus I own a Mame cab, although have not played much of bubble bobble on it yet.


                        Imagine if it came out today; people would whinge about its lack of save points and 'superficial story'.


                          Originally posted by Ady
                          Imagine if it came out today; people would whinge about its lack of save points and 'superficial story'.
                          Yes, reviewers would probably write it off as teh kiddy.

