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Your most played game(s) first half of 2014

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    The Xbox One already has good games, Don't lump it in with the PS4.


      Both systems have good games, just not many and not a single one is exceptional.

      My opinion I know, but I stand by it.


        I'd say for gaming my PS4 gets second most use currently to my PS3 (which is only due to backlogue, current gen has been just as dry this year), then WiiU, then XBO. 2014 has been one of the worst years in a long time for game releases, next gen or not


          Originally posted by Superman Falls View Post
          I'd say for gaming my PS4 gets second most use currently to my PS3 (which is only due to backlogue, current gen has been just as dry this year), then WiiU, then XBO. 2014 has been one of the worst years in a long time for game releases, next gen or not
          i agree with that my PS4 is essentially a FIFA box and my XBO a DR3 box yet the PS3/Vita are getting 5x the use


            I play my XBO almost every day. FIFA, Titanfall and Watch_Dogs atm. I play mp with my friend and I like streaming but really I should be playing my Wii U more. I think the fact that the Xbox One turns on my TV and AV receiver makes a big difference! Lazy!!


              Xbox one getting most use, thanks to Titanfall, then theres Dead rising 3, Ryse and Time force to finish when i get my Titanfall obsession over with, so i'm pretty happy with what its doing and we have horizon and sunset overdrive before the end of the year.

              Ps4 is getting some love thanks to the excellent Marvel Super Heroes, me and my son are currently trying to get all the figures unlocked and he loves taking all the bits and making his own super heroes, there is tons of spots to save them too which is pretty cool, who wouldent want a blue flying wolverine? Black flag, killzone and all the indie stuff has also had a fair bit of play too and i just picked up Tomb raider to play through again in super nice looking next gen mode.
              Last edited by Lebowski; 04-07-2014, 07:22.


                Originally posted by QualityChimp View Post
                I'm starting to sound like a stuck record, but you asked!

                EDF 2025 all the way, baby!

                I put Forza 3 in last week for 15 minutes to see how many credits I'd earned, but that's it.
                I played a bit of Toy Story 3 with my son, I suppose.

                Other than that, it's been nothing but bug blasting for nearly 150 hours since I picked it up in Feb for ?15.
                I was playing through as Air Raider and wanted to finish Hardest and Inferno, but I've dabbled with Wing Diver class and I'm really enjoying it as it totally changes your tactics.

                I'm gutted more people aren't into it on here as I'm a bit addicted...
                Haha same here. Aside from EDF on the Vita whilst travelling and over the last couple of days been doing a little Ace Combat Infinity it's been all EDF4.

                Can't believe about 99.9% of my gaming time since Christmas has been on this game.

                I honestly think the only thing to get me off it permanently is another EDF release (probably) on the PS4 - in which case I'll have to buy one.

