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Pac-Man. VS.

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    Pac-Man. VS.

    Pac Man VS For GameCube

    This little title looks great; even better for being free.
    I've pre-ordered my copy with the players choice re-release of Pac-Man World 2 from DVD Boxoffice- it's only 15 quid for two games!

    Check out some details from someone who has the game:
    Is it both games on a single disc?
    No. Pac Man vs. is a completely separate disc

    1. Is there any way for a single player to play this game?
    2-4 players only.

    2. What different modes/ways to play are in this game?
    Only one mode. One player is Pac man, everyone else is a ghost.

    3. Any unlockables?
    Don't think so.

    4. Is there an options menu? If so, can you tell Mario to shut up?
    I don't recall an options menu...Mario is acutally not that intrusive.

    5. When it's a game that's less than 4 players, are the other ghosts always the blank ones?
    They start off blank. They turn to regular ghosts either at a specific point mark, or when an 'activated' ghost touches the blank one...not quite sure yet. I was too busy enjoying playing to stop and check. Sorry.

    6. Does it involve a Pac-Man Vs. GBA cartridge like many suspected during E3? (I assume that if it did then it came with the disc, but still...) If so, can you play it by itself?
    Doesn't need a GBA cartridge.

    7. Is there anything else noteworthy about this game that hasn't already been mentioned?
    I'm not too sure what has and has not been mentioned, but (1) there are 6 or 7 boards, each with varying difficulty. Some are more advantageous to Pac Man, while some favor the ghosts. (2) When a ghost eats a fruit, it widens his field of vision. (3) A game can actually last quite a while. My bro and 2 cousins played to a game of 15,000 pts. It took 35 minutes for one of us to get to 15k. Pretty intense actually. (4) A small map in the bottom right of the television has a map that shows icons of the three ghosts positions. (5) The ghosts can enter/leave the 'base' at any time they wish. (6) When Pac Man has 25? pellets remaining, they disappear from the view of the ghosts. (To prevent 'puppy guarding')

    I think it will come free with Donkey Konga (Hopefully)

