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Gaming rut or just me?

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    Gaming rut or just me?

    I've been in a bit of a gaming rut this year.

    Started with a N64 and PS1 boxed up with a PS4 under the TV. Got bored with the PS4 and sold it to re-buy a Xbox 360, with the thinking that I can re-play classics and mop up the last few games I've missed in till next Christmas when actual next generation games are released. Got nostalgic memories of the Dreamcast so picked one up a few weeks ago, immediately regretted it and let it go to my brother.

    I had the entire day to myself today as my fianc? was at work so I spent it flitting between various Xbox 360 racing games in time trial, got bored and thought about bringing my PS1 down to play some WipEout 2097 or start a play through of Resident Evil 2 but could not be bothered.

    It could just be me but does anyone feel a bit aimless at the moment? The next generation is here but there is bugger all to play on it, the games that were coming are all on hold till next year and combined with my buyers remorse / sellers remorse I'm stuck in this perpetual time loop of wanting to buy in for the next generation, but immediately thinking otherwise as there's so much more on offer with the 360... Except I've already played everything!

    Half of me wants to chuck my N64 and 360 away, not play games at all and then come back fresh next year with a PS4 or Xbox One but I'm so weak, I know I'll break. I had a whole day to play games, why did I waste it?

    Stream of consciousness now ending.

    I think it is just you because I've been playing the PlayStation recently and IT IS AMAZING.

    Maybe don't be so analytical about it and just sit down and play something? Maybe something new, as it sounds like you're not in the mood to perhaps waste time replaying what you have already experienced.

    I know how tempting that can be but sometimes you just have to say no and focus on stuff you haven't played.


      You're in a rut because it's nearly the end of 2014 and your still revisiting Resi 2, n64 etc. I'm not arguing those games/machines merits but search out more new experiences dude.

      Every game I've played this year has been one I've never played before bar maybe Rage to test out some mods. I've had an absolute blast with the newer games. Whoever is moaning about the current crop of games has a serve case of bitchface.


        In a way, it's been a while since I've sat down and been properly into a game, kind of drifted off over the last 2-3 months. Getting a PC has distracted me a lot though, the amount of possible tinkering is immense. Full on gaming wise though yeah, but fuelled largely by how incredibly poor 2014's offering have been overall so far


          If I've learned anything in the decades that I've been playing games, it's that this will happen regularly. Eventually something will turn up that will get you right back in to it. Sometimes I go months without playing a game, but right now I play a good few hours every weekend. Peaks and troughs!


            I've had months where I've done nothing but BF4. So I've removed the disc and now I'm enjoying Crimson Dragon, even though it's not top notch.

            Must feel weird though if you've never hit the rut before. I can only suggest you buy a new game and hope for the best, or just go and take up karate for 6 months or something crazy.


              I definitely have this right now; I realised today while I was playing TW101 that I just wasn't having fun at all, and this is a common theme throughout all games I've played this year. I just can't find one that sticks. Even with MK8, which is by all accounts fantastic, I don't remember having that "gaming bug". Weirdly enough it happened with Rayman Legends last year, but probably not since then (and not for a long time before, even though I've bought a fair few more than just that).

              I think it's best to do other things when that happens. When you get gaming lethargy, it'll probably spread across anything you play regardless of how fun it should be - further down the line you'll find the buzz again


                Read your post again. Must be awful to feel like you wasted a day by doing something you normally love. Hope you can find something to make the next one more fruitful.


                  I totally understand you , Wools. I'm facing the same situation. All the current "AAA" titles are feeling a bit "sh*t" to me.

                  Now instead of trying to keep up with what's "cool" at the time (Destiny at this minute), I'll just rather play what ever the hell I want and that's it. Don't buy more s*** just because, play what you have and what you ACTUALLY want to play. Or if you don't want to play anything then don't. Do something else. Forcing yourself to play **** that you don't want, will just make gaming feel repulsive to you.


                    Originally posted by Colin View Post
                    If I've learned anything in the decades that I've been playing games, it's that this will happen regularly. Eventually something will turn up that will get you right back in to it. Sometimes I go months without playing a game, but right now I play a good few hours every weekend. Peaks and troughs!
                    Or this. Go out and get some fresh air or pick up another hobby for a few months. I'm reasonably well balanced between the gym, films, going out etc. I noticed when I do game I tend to binge though. Like I'll completely destroy two or three massive games in a row.


                      Throw away all that new crap and stick with the old stuff. There must be hundreds of classic games you've never had the time play on the N64, Dreamcast, even the 360. Pick one game to play at a time and power through the initial stage where you feel like putting else on. If it's a game you played before, the first part is a struggle to get through because the beginning is always the bit you've replayed the most. After you break through that barrier, you'll be invested in it and you'll enjoy playing through to the end. Make a shortlist of all the games you've always wanted to play but for whatever reason never have. Those are the games you're going to finish before getting another PS4! Forget about everything else!


                        Originally posted by Kit View Post
                        Or this. Go out and get some fresh air or pick up another hobby for a few months. I'm reasonably well balanced between the gym, films, going out etc. I noticed when I do game I tend to binge though. Like I'll completely destroy two or three massive games in a row.
                        Your suggestion is one of the reasons why I'm more bummed out by feeling like this as I don't play games much anyway.

                        I have a good full time job, live with my partner, have a good soical life, go to the gym 5 days a week and have other interests. I don't have a massive gaming collection (PlayStation, N64 & 360) so when I do get free time to play games, I'm really hungry to get stuck in! Aside from a few hours of gaming with my best mate last Thursday with Bears & Gears and a few hours with my Brother last weekend, I've not done any gaming at home or work for over a fortnight. I wanted to get stuck into Fez which I've never played before, continue my Skyrim play through or play a few classics but I could not find any enthusiasm.

                        I know this is probably just a phase & we're in this odd middle ground while developers play catch up, I was just wondering if anyone else felt like this. Charles, I have felt like this before but it was when I was deep into my collection era around 2004 where I had hundreds of games, played most of them and the next generation was just around the corner... Funny how history repeats itself!


                          I don't have a massive gaming collection (PlayStation, N64 & 360) so when I do get free time to play games, I'm really hungry to get stuck in!
                          If you have funds . Try buying some new console Hardware and the odd new game that might help . Other than that I think its just the joys of getting old and the days of being able to play games on hours on end and with a gang of mates are long gone .


                            Two thoughts... You could have too much choice and not enough motivation. Put away most of your systems and games, packing the away so they are hard to get to. Find a single game you've wanted to play or replay but haven't got around to - a game with a beginning, middle and end, so not a racing game or online shooter or anything like that. Only start it when you have two hours to give it and then begin.

                            Or alternatively, give games a rest for a while. Even though on a surface level you want to enjoy your downtime and enjoy your gaming, is there something nagging at you, something else that you feel that you should be doing? I could be reading too much between the lines but I sense a hint of needing actual productivity rather than just downtime and that may be preventing you from settling with a game.


                              I'm itching to get back to my laptop for some Requiem Survival Skyrim whenever I'm away from it. I'd still be playing MK8 if my internet wasn't pump. Then there's Bayonetta 2 next month which will be the best thing since TW101. After that I have Smash Bros. to look forward to as long as I can move somewhere with a better connection.

                              I might skip Hyrule Warriors because this Skyrim thing is intense.

