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Nintendo moving towards region free consoles? Maybe. At some point.

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    Nintendo moving towards region free consoles? Maybe. At some point.

    To quote the Eurogamer article linked below, probably to help them as a company but hey who cares as long as it happens.

    Nintendo president Satoru Iwata has signalled a change in opinion for the company's long-standing policy of region-locking its consoles.

    Miiverse social network features separate sections for different regions, where different games are available at different times.
    Speaking during a recent Q&A session with investors, Iwata acknowledged for the first time that a move towards region-free consoles could be beneficial for Nintendo (thanks, NeoGAF).

    "The game business has a history of taking a very long time with localisation among other things," Iwata said, "such as having to deal with various issues of marketing in each particular country, or games that have made use of licensed content that did not apply globally.

    "Region-locking has existed due to circumstances on the sellers' side rather than for the sake of the customers. In the history of game consoles, that is the current situation.

    "As for what should be done going forward, if unlocked for the benefit of the customers, there may also be a benefit for us."

    Nintendo has always used region locks for its home consoles to limit the importing of software from different regions.

    Handheld devices from the DSi onwards have also implemented region-locking, although physical games for the Game Boy and DS families were region-free.

    Nintendo has been moving towards a global launch for many of its games (such as last year's Pok?mon X and Y), but some titles still take a while to filter through to other regions. For example, Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker is out this month in Japan and next month in North America but will not arrive here in Europe until January.

    Iwata concluded by stating that any change in policy would likely be some way off, but that it was something the company was considering.

    "Unlocking would require various problems to be solved, so while I can't say today whether or not we intend to unlock, we realise that it is one thing that we must consider looking to the future."

    Nintendo president Satoru Iwata has signalled a change in opinion for the company's long-standing policy of region-lock…

    That, and digital downloads tied to an account and not to a console, please.


      It's amazing to think Nintendo are about a decade behind the competition in almost every sense...


        Originally posted by Shozuki View Post
        It's amazing to think Nintendo are about a decade behind the competition in almost every sense...
        Except in what actually matters the most, the actual game design quality.


          If anything, the actual game design quality only serves to highlight just how much of a mess Nintendo have made with the hardware side of it as far as Wii U is concerned.

          In any case, I'll personally believe the prospect of a region-free Nintendo home console only when I see it. I actually think that's the least of their problems. They obviously need to modernise in some areas like, as mentioned for instance, genuine user accounts for digital downloads and a online infrastructure that compares with XBL and PSN. Nintendo have the resources to make it happen so there isn't really any excuse for them not doing so.
          Last edited by Nu-Eclipse; 03-11-2014, 15:25.


            Originally posted by Guts View Post
            Except in what actually matters the most, the actual game design quality.
            You mean games like New Yoshi Island, New SMB Wii, Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze etc are the pinnacle of game design?

            Wow four platform games there.


              That's three, two of them being within about 6 months of each other. Do you not remember consoles when we were all younger? It was like there was nothing BUT platformers! These days it seems rogue-likes are the trend.


                Originally posted by nakamura View Post
                You mean games like New Yoshi Island, New SMB Wii, Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze etc are the pinnacle of game design?

                Wow four platform games there.
                I don't understand your point. How does the fact that all THREE games are platform games affect their quality?

                And let's not be silly and pretend Nintendo makes only platform titles for either the 3DS or the Wii U.
                Last edited by Guts; 03-11-2014, 17:44.


                  Back on topic please.


                    To me this read more like it was something they were considering for the next DS handheld and N7 Console. Given how low sales have been they seem to be getting around to thinking every little sale helps.


                      At the speed with which Nintendo moves it definately won't be done to the 3DS now, but least they aknowledged it.


                        This is like them saying they think free games is good for the consumer - they'll never do it though.

