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PTE79: Nintendo WiiU - Two Years On...

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    PTE79: Nintendo WiiU - Two Years On...

    Yes, in a couple of days time the WiiU will have been in a select number of homes for two full years and will be poised to enter the year that on average should be its mid-life and output peak.

    Nintendo has seen some improvement this year and Mario Karts release saw the joy return for many for a while however they enter their third year comfortably behind what even considered failures like Dreamcast were at which will make releases like Smash Bros even more important as Nintendo pins its hopes on the brawler and the Amiibo range to lift the system up.

    If Nintendo meets its projected windows there looks to be a slightly busier first party slate over the coming twelve months and the potential dangling carrot of a new Zelda title. Does Nintendo's current direction still appeal? Are you finding the fun despite the low number of new releases to play? Or are you already waiting for their next system and a fresh start?
    I own one and Love It!
    I own one but am indifferent to it
    I sold mine but might get one again down the line
    I sold mine and am not convinced I'd get another
    Sold mine, hated everything about it
    Never owned one, but likely will one day
    Never owned one, no interest to

    I would sell the system in an instant if not for Zelda coming and the fact my daughter loves it.


      I love mine after a recent purchase.

      Mario kart 8.
      Wind Waker HD.
      Bayonetta 2.
      Mario 3d world.
      Zombie U.
      Donkey kong tropical freeze.
      Pikmin 3.
      Wonderfull 101.
      New super luigi u.
      Monster hunter 3.
      Pullblox world.

      A couple of decent multiplatforms ports in mass effect 3 and black flag which i missed and have now have caught up on.

      Smash bros and captain toad in the next few months as well.

      I think if your like me and have only just entered the fray its a good time, plenty of games, firmware has been sorted and a couple of gems on the horizon. However if you've waited 2 years for this with almost no support from third parties then its been a real slog, especially as its all up to Ninty now for games.

      Plus i actually have a genuine use for the controller screen in that i only have one tv in the house so can simply switch to the controller and carry on playing uninterupted, which has been great, and has also been contrary to everything i thought about the screen.
      Last edited by fishbowlhead; 12-11-2014, 11:26.


        I haven't got one and very few games on that list above would draw me in. That said, if I were to get a current gen console, it would likely be this one. Mainly for Mario Kart, Zeldas and whatever else Mario related comes from here and, importantly, because I know many games would be good to play with my kids. It's more of a family system and that is more and more important in my home.


          I've owned one for almost precisely 12 months now and love it. There are some questionable design choices, for sure - the Gamepad is barely ever used for anything - but the games are wonderful. I've loved 3D World, Windwaker HD, Tropical Freeze and I'm currently getting heaps of fun out of the Bayonetta titles. For me it's virtually worth owning just for Mario Kart 8 though - I absolutely adore that game.

          It was cheap (a Deluxe set last Xmas set me back ?150 brand new, which is nothing really compared to the hours of enjoyment I've already had) and it's the only place to play some absolutely top notch games. It's not a perfect system, and it could only ever be a second console due to the glacial pace of releases, but I love it all the same.


            Oops. I read it as sold and convinced i'll get another! as I'm getting one this week


              Picked one up earlier in the year and it has given me a great deal of joy. Bayonetta 2 is out of this world good, Monster Hunter 3 is incredible, Mario Kart 8 is great and Pikmin 3 coop is some of the best gaming I've done with my lady. Still need to pick up Mario 3D and Wind Waker. Lovely to use console and stunning games.


                Originally posted by ShadowDancer View Post
                Oops. I read it as sold and convinced i'll get another! as I'm getting one this week
                You do realise that you can change your vote, right?


                  I don't love mine but i do like it and there are some very good games on the machine and a few coming in 2015 that i want but there is also ALOT i dislike about the machine and Nintendo as a company in general.


                    Originally posted by Nu-Eclipse View Post
                    You do realise that you can change your vote, right?
                    Thank you


                      my second ownership is hanging on by a thread.....if it werent for mario kart DLC pending, it would be already sold

                      mario kart 8 is is soooo good but i wish there was more racing games on the system of similar quality - love zombi U too

                      Wish for a quality starfox and an f-zero. Would love to see some of the older franchises revisited too; pilotwings/ 1080 etc, but doubtful


                        I feel like I need an option:

                        I own one and like it.

                        It's a decent machine, worthy of being in my collection, but it's so by the numbers and unspectacular in every way it's hard to love. It's got some fun games and I really love Mario 3D World, but that's about it and it's 2 years in...


                          Bayonetta 2 has validated my purchase several times over already. I've not even begun the first game yet either, probably going to be another 30 hours or so on 2.

                          Smash and Splatoon will probably be my next games and there are many more I'm interested that are already released that I hope to enjoy. Can't see myself getting an Xbone or PS4 any time soon.


                            Bought one at launch, sold it, was bought another one last year as a Chrimbo pressie for Zelda HD and Mario 3D World.

                            It gets played occasionally. Even with Bayo 2 recently released it still isn't played more than once a week.

                            I've got Smash Bros on order but don't think I'll play it much going by how much I've played the 3DS one.


                              I've had one since launch and I think I've got four games for it; it's definitely on a shelf somewhere in the house, I'll try and find it once the new Zelda game finally arrives.

