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Monument Valley new levels now available

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    Monument Valley new levels now available

    Attention all you monument valley fans, a brand new set of 8 levels have been released for this wonderful game ?1.49 gets you another trip into the strange yet beautiful surreal landscape that is monument valley. If you update your game the new levels option will appear to be able to buy them, im on iOS but i'm assuming android will have them too.

    (edit) seems android version will be one week from today.

    That is all

    (edit,edit) found a vid of the fogotten shores expansion pack. POSSIBLE SPOILERS
    Last edited by importaku; 12-11-2014, 16:23.

    Anyone who hasn't tried the original already you should check it out, you will find nothing else quite like it.


      Thanks for the heads up about the extra levels. It is a beautiful, unique game that deserves more attention.


        Upto level 5 i'm trying so hard not to just burn though them all as there are not a lot but each one has charmed me immensly, i love that you can take screenshots anywhere, each level is totally art the graphical style is so beautiful severely tempted to buy a couple of the art prints. The puzzles in these new levels are just as wonderfully inventive as with the previous set, my mind has been conditioned now to spot the impossible geometry in them but even with that been said it still feels satisfying when i see it been used.

        When people say there is nothing but ****e on mobile gaming platforms, games like this show up their total ignorance.


          Yep. But it's a shame this happens:

          The world we have created where people resent paying the tiniest amounts for great content is just plain depressing to me.


            As said that's the nature of the beast that has been created. Worst part is it's not going to get any better as iDevice power increases and development alongside it. Same thing can be applied to ps+/GwG as well, you can already see it turning out the same way. People getting indies for free, it's devaluing the future indie games that are to appear on the platforms for a price, already see people saying I'm not buying it I'll wait for it to be free.

            Check out this nugget.

            “I expected the new chapters to be free, considering that I spent ?2.49 buying this app in the first place. I won’t be spending any more of my money on this game!”
            I spent ?2.49 god damn you, I wasted it on a game I enjoyed when I could have spent it on a coffee!


              People on the iOS app store make me sick, they will spend a fortune on a new ipad/iphone yet begrudge spending a few quid on something that was put together with so much care and love. I have put my review in on the app store hope it goes on as it's aimed at all those cheapskates.

              If there were more games as good as this on the app store then it would be a game changer imagine a place where there were uncountable amounts of amazing indie games instead of all the horrible F2P IAP ad riddled garbage thats flooding the place.


                to compare 8 new finely crafted levels in monument valley, to a few new levels in a match three game is a massive disservice to this game

                in the freemium world, regular updates also swell games without charging players directly: there are now well over 700 Candy Crush Saga levels.


                  Is the main, ?2.49, game only ten levels long?

                  How much time did it take for you lot to complete it?

                  I'd rather pay for an add-free, no in-game purchases complete title, but I'm worried this is a little short.

                  I was trying to find an article I was reading the other day about Free-to-Play being anything but free, but I can't find it.

                  Instead, I found this one on It's blocked at work, but I can read the cached version.

                  Basically, we're not gamers, we're rats in a "Skinner Box", pushing buttons.


                    Makes me sad they put all that work into new levels and all people can do is bitch because ?1.48 is far too much for them to pay. Have money to blow on a smartphone but can't afford extra content boy they must be living below that poverty line lol.

                    Ironically they will happily go into something like candy crush and pay 10 times that for pretend money to complete levels though lol


                      It's the same with music and films though. It's entertainment content generally. People use the cost to justify piracy as if they don't get €10 worth of entertainment from that CD they listen to 100 times. Resenting ?1.48 for levels that, as far as I know, pretty much double the size of the game is just so wrong on every level. And yet, as pointed out, they'll spend more on a coffee. As also mentioned, as awesome as they are (and they are), services like PS+ aren't helping. The amount of quality content for price is insane on things like Netflix and Spotify etc and it's going to eventually make the content market unworkable. But we're seeing it happen right here and now on the App Store.

                      Anyone with money to burn can disrupt a business. Replacing it with something that will actually be sustainable is a whole different thing.


                        Yes Mr Chimp the original game is only 10 levels long, the problem you will find is that it's so good that you will want to play the next level so you will most likely blow through them in an hour as it's very hard to resist wanting to see the next puzzle, it comes down to wether you will enjoy replaying the levels once you know the puzzle solutions. I paid full whack on release and never regretted it for a second, i will support devs that make games like this.

                        No obnoxious ads and f2p game ruining mechanics in monument valley even the extra levels are not mandatory they are there if you want them they are kind of a side story they are not required to complete the main game.


                          When you consider you are supporting a Dev with a unique vision who has put out a beautifully crafted game then yes, it is worth ?2.50. IMO you are saying 'I support your effort to output something different and give you my money in hope you are rewarded for it and inspired to make another game'.

                          Is the game worth 25p a level? Of course it is.


                            For Aids red day there is one more level available for download it costs 69p and all the proceeds go to charity however because of Bono/Apple ect it's only available fir iOS users. The level is pretty tricky, some unique puzzles in it too.


                              I bought this, by the way. Mainly because I thought you'd all lynch me if I didn't!

                              No, you all made good points, especially 'Press Start', so I went for it.

