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PTE80: Xbox 360 - Nine Years On...

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    Pretty much what Martin said. One of my least favourite consoles ever and one i bought on impulse and ended up giving to my brother for his birthday.

    I also had a RROD just half an hour after switching the machine on for the first time and the 2nd one that i gave to my brother eventually got the RROD aswel.

    As Kartin mentioned i didn't like the western design values or constat stream of FPS and as i have fairly small hands for a male adult i preferred the Dual Shock 3 with it's symmetrical analogues and smaller form factor over the 360 pad.

    I can see the value in Xbox Live though as it was great and well worth paying for if you liked playing with friends and for the party chat and the machine itself featured 2 of my favourite games of the generation in Dead Rising & Bioshock.

    For me the 32 bit era still hasn't been topped.
    Last edited by Sam The Man; 16-11-2014, 01:39.


      Crap ui.
      Appaling hardware failure rate, including my launch console.
      Pay wall to netflix and other services.
      Unnaceptably noisy making it useless for media.

      Right up there with the Saturn as my most disliked hardware.

      But, Gotham racing 3. Still my most cherished racer by far


        Originally posted by nakamura View Post
        Probably my least favourite console of all time. Ushered in an era of unfinished games
        You can't really pin that on the 360. Wasn't it the PS3 versions of Ghostbusters and Boyonetta that ran like crap and needed patches to improve them? The 360 was not the console that ushered in unfinished games IMO. If you are to say the 360 then you'd also have to say the PS3 since both had the same option to patch games.

        I never had the RROD so I'm free of the feeling of hate in that particular area so to me the 360 was a great system. Being in Japan I had the best of both world. All the Japanese shooters plus the cool western stuff. XBox Live in the 7 years I've used it has also NEVER been off line unlike the PSN. This is the reason why I bought an XBONE. Now that Microsoft have pulled their finger out of their arse the system is starting to shape up with some excellent games including a few cool exclusives.


          Xbox Live has been offline although not in the same style PSN was for days but more in the recently PSN flakiness way, which is why Undertow was given away for free to subscribers back in 2008. It has otherwise been fairly rock solid.

          Xbox360 was definitely my choice of console last gen although I did have an original and elite RROD so I'm on my third unit. Gaming wise I definitely wouldn't complain though

          Which is why Xbox One has so far been a pale comparison. Next gen consoles haven't impressed me very much at all over this last year even less so since I built my gaming PC. I definitely didn't think that of PS3 and Xbox360.


            Originally posted by Yakumo View Post
            You can't really pin that on the 360. Wasn't it the PS3 versions of Ghostbusters and Boyonetta that ran like crap and needed patches to improve them? The 360 was not the console that ushered in unfinished games IMO. If you are to say the 360 then you'd also have to say the PS3 since both had the same option to patch games.

            I never had the RROD so I'm free of the feeling of hate in that particular area so to me the 360 was a great system. Being in Japan I had the best of both world. All the Japanese shooters plus the cool western stuff. XBox Live in the 7 years I've used it has also NEVER been off line unlike the PSN. This is the reason why I bought an XBONE. Now that Microsoft have pulled their finger out of their arse the system is starting to shape up with some excellent games including a few cool exclusives.
            You are correct regarding it wasn't specifically the fault of the 360 but it was first to market and most heavily linked with ****ty PC development.


              ****ty PC development?


                I wanted to love the 360, but the hardware issues really ruined it for me (had three systems go pop). That said, I adored the first gears and some of the games from live like Lara Croft, deadlight and shadow complex were absolutely superb. I'd pick up another just to replay them really.


                  Originally posted by nakamura View Post
                  You are correct regarding it wasn't specifically the fault of the 360 but it was first to market and most heavily linked with ****ty PC development.
                  They did however put in restrictions around how large updates to games should be, and kept the whole updating thing pretty quick and painless. The PS3 was a nightmare by comparison - huge patches all the time, often one on top of the other.


                    Originally posted by fuse View Post
                    The PS3 was a nightmare by comparison - huge patches all the time, often one on top of the other.
                    Any patch download seemed slower on PS3 than 360 or was it just me?


                      Was definitely the case for me. Even small PS3 patches take ages. I thought it was my router and eventually did port forwarding and all that malarky and it never improved.


                        Originally posted by fuse View Post
                        They did however put in restrictions around how large updates to games should be, and kept the whole updating thing pretty quick and painless. The PS3 was a nightmare by comparison - huge patches all the time, often one on top of the other.
                        Yep they did, that's a good point. I'm not saying the PS3 is a lot better, I don't care for that much either but it does have more games I like.


                          Great console which was finally made realiable (i went through 7 of them from launch).


                            It is so hard for me to reconcile the start of your sentence with the end.


                              Originally posted by nakamura View Post
                              You are correct regarding it wasn't specifically the fault of the 360 but it was first to market and most heavily linked with ****ty PC development.
                              You sound an awful lot like someone who has no idea what he's talking about.


                                Originally posted by Yakumo View Post
                                You can't really pin that on the 360. Wasn't it the PS3 versions of Ghostbusters and Boyonetta that ran like crap and needed patches to improve them? The 360 was not the console that ushered in unfinished games IMO. If you are to say the 360 then you'd also have to say the PS3 since both had the same option to patch games.

                                I never had the RROD so I'm free of the feeling of hate in that particular area so to me the 360 was a great system. Being in Japan I had the best of both world. All the Japanese shooters plus the cool western stuff. XBox Live in the 7 years I've used it has also NEVER been off line unlike the PSN. This is the reason why I bought an XBONE. Now that Microsoft have pulled their finger out of their arse the system is starting to shape up with some excellent games including a few cool exclusives.
                                It is worth noting that it was the Zephyr and Xenon revisions are the ones that are most likely to get RROD. Your model is a Jasper unit so it is quite unlikely you'll ever get the infamous RROD error. Think I still remember the thread you made over on ASSEMbler asking for buying advice. That wasn't more than 5 years ago though, not sure where you got 7 years from!

