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Games which really impressed you with their innovation

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    One of the first games that eliminated loading for large sections that I can remember was Soul Reaver on PS1.


      The Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan! games and Elite Beat Agents on the DS. Such a simple yet so utterly refreshing and original concept for its time.

      No other handheld rhythm-action games before or since have compared. Such a shame that their sales weren't good enough to convince INiS to develop Ouendan 3 or EBA 2 - so underrated.
      Last edited by Nu-Eclipse; 20-11-2014, 12:45.


        Originally posted by CMcK View Post
        The force orb in R-type influenced so many other games even in other genres.
        The Force Orb was influenced by the Options in Gradius.
        Last edited by Nu-Eclipse; 20-11-2014, 12:50.


          True but R-Type gave you some control over the Force orb and its weapons and uses varied with the different power ups.


            I liked how Capcom made the fighting mechanics more versatile in Final Fight 3, that and Sega's Streets of Rage 3 really added a new dimension to the fighting system. This more in depth fighting system may have been used in arcades prior, but I only really experienced it on the home consoles...



              Return of Double Dragon has a wonderful fighting system. Probably the best.


                Originally posted by nakamura View Post
                Return of Double Dragon has a wonderful fighting system. Probably the best.
                Return of/Super Double Dragon had a ridiculously extensive repertoire of moves, special moves and super moves for a scrolling beat-em-up. Part of the fun was discovering them all accidentally!

                But can you really call than an innovation?


                  No. I think Knights of the Round did a blocking mechanic first.

                  It should have been how scrolling beat em ups went though. Such a potentially great genre ruined by too often basic design.


                    Originally posted by nakamura View Post
                    No. I think Knights of the Round did a blocking mechanic first.
                    You would be correct. People who dismiss KotR all too easily forget this.

                    The subtlety of the guard feature's implementation (Your character would be briefly left tired/vulnerable after blocking unanswered for a set period of time which meant that you couldn't abuse/spam it, but would leave you briefly invincible if you timed it correctly to block an opponent attack) was excellently done.
                    Last edited by Nu-Eclipse; 20-11-2014, 14:11.


                      Yep. It totally changes the genre. It's a really enjoyable game and completely removes button mashing.


                        I thought Viewtiful Joe did a good job of progressing the side-scrolling beatemup.


                          Originally posted by wakka View Post
                          One of the first games that eliminated loading for large sections that I can remember was Soul Reaver on PS1.
                          They did it cleverly, too. The whole world was connected by corridors. Really, it did load at specific points, it just masked it extremely well.


                            I only played that a bit tbh. Can't really comment.


                              Originally posted by charlesr View Post
                              I thought Viewtiful Joe did a good job of progressing the side-scrolling beatemup.
                              I fell in love with Viewtiful Joe when I first played it on the GC. Felt really fresh at the time but I'm not sure if it was really out-and-out innovative, though I suppose it did a really great job of spoofing the iconic Japanese Super Sentai genre.


                                Originally posted by 112 View Post
                                I liked how Capcom made the fighting mechanics more versatile in Final Fight 3, that and Sega's Streets of Rage 3 really added a new dimension to the fighting system. This more in depth fighting system may have been used in arcades prior, but I only really experienced it on the home consoles...

                                Sad to say that I never liked SOR3. Then again, I regard SOR2 as almost flawless and I didn't find 3's new elements very compelling.

                                Conversely I love Guardian Heroes.

