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Your Game of the Year 2014

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    Your Game of the Year 2014

    As title says, what's been your favourite release of 2014?

    Obviously the game must have come out in 2014 in at least one region to qualify.

    For me, in brief Forza Horizon 2 on the Xbox One, may not quite have been a 10/10 game but love the racing genre, and it does everything right, not a hardcore simulation but nails the arcade racing game great. Visually lovely, handling not too shabby either, and loads and loads of replayability.

    I don't think 2014 has been a classic year for gaming, lots of stuff has failed to live up to expectations. In fact I've probably spent more time replaying Elder Scrolls 5 on PC and BF4 online.

    Highlights I think are Geometry Wars 3, Wolfenstein: The New Order, South Park: The Stick of Truth, Alien Isolation, Prison Architect, Forza Horizon 2 and The Bridge. Far Cry 4 seems good so far but it's a bit early to hand it any honours. Perhaps Elite: Dangerous will end the year well if it doesn't suffer server issues.

    Of all the games I've played this year, I think Forza Horizon 2 was the most enjoyable experience (Destiny soon lost its appeal and I just can't get into Dragon Age Inquisition), so that's my pick.
    Last edited by MartyG; 16-12-2014, 10:57.


      I haven't played many games this year and I can't think of the ones I have played. I need a list, just like when I choose an ice-cream. I need the pictures. I was thinking Link Between Worlds but apparently that was 2013.

      The only other one I can think of is 80 Days on iOS, which I loved.


        For how much I'd like to say BlazBlue ChronoPhantasma, I haven't played it enough to justify it; the same goes for the two Super Smash Bros. (and I'm feeling rather indifferent toward them). I guess I could say Mario Kart 8, but I would instead go with Minna de Mamotte Knight (3DS). Sadly, I remember more the bad games than the good ones


          Tareaway - PS Vita

          First Play >---Link---<

          I completed the game January 2014, but started in Nov 2013.

          What I said then:

          Originally posted by capcom_suicide View Post
          This game just gets better and better. My girls (10/6) are loving taking turns, drawing, opening, blowing and pushing this imaginative world. Suddenly the touch, gyro, camera and rear touch systems don't feel like a gimmick or afterthought, they are seamlessly and wonderfully a core part of the game.

          It has been ages since I have played such a sweet enjoyable video game, and on current impressions this is up there with my fave Nintendo games.
          Originally posted by capcom_suicide View Post
          Further in and the design gets mental! This game and puzzles are just joyful. Pure bliss. It's been a long while since I've enjoyed games like this, and I will have to say Mario 64 again. Despite also being a technical masterpiece, the game play in Tareaway manages to make AAA blockbusters look shallow and hollow inside.

          Just a really really lovely smart, kind, gentle and lovely game. Yellow submarine meets Mario meets art attack.

          its a ?19 vita game, and it might just be my GOTY. I never expected that at all. The game managed to remind me why I loved games in the first place, and it has taught my kids how games can evoke emotion and surprise.


          What I think now:

          This game did so much right and it gave a shared experience for myself and my daughter that I will treasure. The way that photos, sounds, and tactile events were crafted into the gameworld were special, individual and deeply enjoyable. The concept that "You" as the gamer were interacting with the alternative reality of the gameworld was so clever in implementation. The artwork and design were wonderful and I loved the story.

          Tareaway on Vita is a game to be shared with a young member of your family. It provides a great interactive story and I am greatful to the developers and the publishers who were willing to take a chance on this sort of IP. My score remains 10. GOTY.
          Last edited by capcom_suicide; 15-12-2014, 10:32.


            It pains me to say it as there's obviously so much that doesn't work and/or is dodgy about Destiny, but I love this game. Nearly everything that floats my boat is here. Uber solid fps mechanics, levelling, loot, pve and pvp. And it's slowly getting better and better. The new content while shockingly lacking in actual content is more fun and challenging than what we had before. There's less grinding, two of the three new pvp maps are great. Bungie are doing a Microsoft - release something that doesn't quite work and throw resources at it until it does. All that needs doing now is sorting out the narrative exposition and adding more customisation options for weapons and armour.

            That's the next 10 years of my life lost then.


              For me it is Metal Gear Solid 5 Ground Zeroes or Bayonetta 2.

              MGS is a wonderful sandbox of mechanics and player agency. The story is ghastly and has no place in the GI Joe like world of MGS though.

              Bayonetta 2 is a glorious celebration of combat games. Amazing set pieces, fantastic visuals and loads of unlockables, difficulty levels and challenges. It certainly has the best first level of any game I've played in a long time.


                Destiny would be my biggest disappointment...

                GOTY for me is without a doubt Forza Horizon 2. Just a perfect evolution of the original... There's nothing really to fault which is amazing. I'd have picked Halo MCC but its ongoing issues diminish what should have been one of the best right now.


                  I really enjoyed Shadow of Mordor, but overall i'm going with Alien lived up to the franchise and was handled with real care.

                  Mario Kart 8 was also a winner mind.
                  Last edited by PaTaito; 15-12-2014, 19:59.




                      Tearaway probably, followed by Ground Zeroes and Borderland The PreSequel. Elite may pip them both though.

                      Crap year for gaming though in general.


                        BF4, as all issues have been done away with and most of the DLC has been pretty awesome.


                          Does that count? I suppose as you say, it started to become functional in 2014 If so, then that's my GOTY.


                            Got to be Mario Kart 8. A brilliant game made even better with top notch DLC. God knows how many hours I've put into it already.


                              Been mulling over this for a few days, and my gaming highlights of 2014 are:

                              Mario 3D World Co-op
                              Resident Evil 4 Steam release
                              Zelda: Link between Worlds

                              Aaaand none of those actually came out in 2014. GG Xrd maybe, but I gotta put it in the PS4 first lol!

