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Playstation 4: Thread 04

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    Wouldnt be such a problem if online games didnt have to go through PSN to log into everything. But i guess thats never going to happen.


      Is this still down for anyone else


        It is for my friend who just tweeted.


          The MTU change trick seems to work for everyone who has tried it.




              Yep, was just getting the link


                PSN was working fine the past few days for me after it came back online. My biggest gripe was the unavailability of any apologetic free gifts on the PS Store. The fruits of being spoiled.


                  Give it time, it's all had a lot of press coverage over Christmas so there is still hope of maybe something forthcoming.
                  The lack of communication from SCEE is just as bad as the down time, they really don't give a toss about customer care in the slightest, has been getting worse throughout 2014, especially if you view the official EU PSN blog with any regularity.


                    I'm logged in, can use the store. But friends/messages/trophies are not working.

                    This time itd probably down to the new consoles that couldn't connect coming online. Sony need to spend some cash on a server or 500.


                      I can log in on my PS3 and Vita, but not on my PS4. I have not been able to get online at all. Xbox works fine luckily.


                        It's still very broken. I can sign in to PSN with the PS4 not the PS3 but only the friends listing is actually working on PS4 - it's fair to say that Sony's network isn't high quality.


                          Santa finally got around to getting me a PS4! Thanks Big Man! Downloading BF4 premium as we speak, sad to say, it seems d/l stuff from PSN is as crappy as ever. It's definitely not my connection, installing from Steam is quick as. Doesn't look like I'll be BF4?ng tonight


                            PS4 isn't too shabby with download speeds normally I find, but you are trying at the worst time of the year.


                              Has anyone bought a Playstation TV, and if you have can you remotely switch your PS4 on to play games from it if left in standby mode? My PS4 is in the cinema room, and just wondering if I can do this to save me walking upstairs to switch it on first before playing a game on the living room TV?


                                My nephew was given a ps4 for his 6th (!) birthday. Watched his dad cuss over psn being down all day but the mtu fix certainly helped. Not sure why it was set to 1500 by default.

