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Your New Years Gaming Resolution

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    Your New Years Gaming Resolution

    As much as Christmas looms, we're also a mere two weeks away from an entirely new year of gaming with plenty lined up to fill our time and empty our pockets.

    With a new year ahead, what is your plan for 2015 in terms of gaming. Do you plan to increase/reduce your spending? Take a sabbatical from the hobby? Finally introduce your living room to the latest machines? Get a handheld? Build a PC? Clear backlogue? Sell your collection?

    Anything as long as it's gaming related! Share peeps!

    For me, I have a hard drive full of games on PS3 that pretty much represent everything outstanding that I have left from the previous generation waiting to be played. Looking ahead at 2015's release schedules, I think it's safe to say that the 360/PS3 generation for me has given the last of what it has to offer so I'm mulling working through my backlogue as a priority so the system can be traded in before the bottom completely gives out on its value.

    I want to bring my gaming spend total for the year down again too.

    Make a habit of playing games more than purchasing a bunch of them.

    Edit: Also want to think less about games, buying games, and stuff like that. I've mostly recently been purchasing stuff as if it isn't going to exist for much longer. It's very silly, but at the same time, it means I don't have to worry about purchasing down the line. I've got a decent "collection" of titles key to my own affection for the hobby so I'm satisfied on that front. Not going to be getting rid of anything I think, made that mistake too many times already.
    Last edited by speedlolita; 17-12-2014, 17:27.


      Resist the road of retro. It's a dear do y'know.


        Originally posted by Atticus View Post
        Resist the road of retro. It's a dear do y'know.
        You're about as much use at that as I am mate.

        My biggest aim I suppose will be not to buy systems without them having a decent library of titles I want to play. I still feel a bit stung by my PS4 as it sits longer unused than used. I will definitely get an XBO at some point, but I'd like it to have at least ten titles I want before that, right now it's nowhere near.


          I managed to trim my spending overall last year but want to trim it further. Although some potential big hitters next year in terms of Zelda, Xenoblade and possibly MGSV.


            Originally posted by Colin View Post
            You're about as much use at that as I am mate.
            Haha. I was hoping you'd be my sponsor


              I would have to say I'd like to finish more game


                Stop playing EDF.


                  1. No more idiotic pre-order/day one purchases (wait for games to be patched).
                  2. Buy fewer games and play them more comprehensively, i.e. not the usual complete-once-and-trade.
                  3. Beware of all games with extensive pre-order DLC, with a view to defering purchase until GOTY editions.
                  4. Worship at the altar of Yakuza 5.


                    I intend to finally cave and go current gen (most likely Xbox One) and hoover up any cheap titles I have missed, keep my retro fix to mame on the Astro.


                      Get every game on my wishlist bought.

                      Get my new rig built. (can not wait to do this )

                      Then I'm going to complete every game in my library over the next couple of years.

                      It's telling tbh as the only future games I want are Arkham Knight and Killing Floor 2.




                          To spend more time playing games than I do shopping/searching for them


                            Spend more time.playing games than buying them. I have 16 games on humble bundle that I haven't even redeemed the codes on ffs.


                              I should add cracking through my Steam Library to mine too, in a brief 6 month window I've amassed a collection over just over 200 titles with little of it complete. It's my main black hole of gaming now.

