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Schofield on Gaming...

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    Schofield on Gaming...

    OK, well not really.

    But I had daytime TV on in the background the other day, and This Morning was on, and they showed a clip of a show or a film or something (I wasn't really paying attention) and then good ol' Philip Schofield said "That looks like Vice City." And Fern Britton was like "Oh does it?" and he got all excited and said "Yeah, those look like the... characters out.... of... Vice City... you don't have a PlayStation do you?" Fern; "No, I don't..." And it was so funny... Mr.Scho had gotten all excited and then realised what he sounded like, cue him getting all embarassed and Fern laughing slightly.

    I can't imagine the mild-mannered ex-Lottery presenter running over prostitutes in a humvee...

    I guess you had to be there.

    Ahh, showing his true colours.

    Every childrens tv presenter has a dark side


      It would have been more impressive if he'd said it looked like Dodonpachi Dai Ou Jou. Or if Fern had caught him and Gordon the Gopher messing around with Dead or Alive Volleyball.


        Haha, you've gotta love Fern and Philip.


          He was actually quite funny on Frank Skinner last night.

          Minty Minge

