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Nintendo 3DS: Thread 03 - Discontinued Edition

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    Got mine free as part of that "Buy 2 Games Get One Free" promotion a while back


      I admit, I bought back into the 3DS for Phoenix Wright Dual Destinies, but I suspect the game I'll most remember on the platform will be Fire Emblem Awakening. The love-hate relationship I had with it practically every turn of combat made it the most involving strategy game I've ever played. Stuff like Final Fantasy Tactics Advance just feels "flat" by comparison.

      The permadeath is a real game-changer.


        Project X Zone 2 confirmed for Autumn release in the west.

        I was hyped for the first one, but having played it I was left underwhelmed by the "style over substance" gameplay of it, despite the admittedly excellent fanservice. I'm a bit more sceptical this time around.


          It's weird that Kiryu and Majima are listed as being from Yakuza Dead Souls rather than the Yakuza series in the same way Chris and Jelly are specifically listed as being from Resi Revelations rather than the Resident Evil series.


            Originally posted by Nu-Eclipse View Post
            I was hyped for the first one, but having played it I was left underwhelmed by the "style over substance" gameplay of it, despite the admittedly excellent fanservice. I'm a bit more sceptical this time around.
            Overall, I was disappointed by Project X Zone.

            I came to it expecting an RPG akin to Valkyrie Profile/Super Robot Wars OG Saga, for various reasons (including that the main characters from Super Robot Wars OG feature in the game). I'd never played Namco X Capcom due to it never having a UK release.

            What I got was an SRPG with seemingly no challenge, and minigames for the combat which became quite tiresome. The game was just too long for something based almost entirely on fan service. I only got about 2/3rds of the way through it before it became so much of a chore that I sold it and moved on.

            The game's "flow" was also a bit dull. The entire game was just a string of battles between lengthy "talking heads" cutscenes. Given, it's fun to see Akira from Virtua Fighter arguing with Ryu and Frank West, before Jin Kazama interrupts them to remind them they're trying to rescue someome from Xenosaga, but it gets old fast.

            That being said, anything for the 3DS is good news. If they've improved the gameplay a bit, this could be really good. They probably haven't fixed the main thing I'd like though; that I'd prefer it was a full-on RPG with moving around, talking to people etc.


              Sorry Asura, don't be expecting a full RPG. I doubt that'll happen.
              I'm a little disappointed this doesn't feature anyone from SRW or its spin-offs. I'll skip the J-release and get the western one at a discount I think.


                Originally posted by kryss View Post
                Sorry Asura, don't be expecting a full RPG. I doubt that'll happen.
                I'm a little disappointed this doesn't feature anyone from SRW or its spin-offs. I'll skip the J-release and get the western one at a discount I think.
                I'm surprised; the first game featured the two main characters from OG Saga.


                  SRW is not a regular RPG though, the only ones that involve actually walking around are Mugen no Frontier/Endless Frontier, the sequel EXCEED and SupaRobo Gakuen, and they're all spin-offs.
                  All the regular games are SRPGs.


                    Originally posted by kryss View Post
                    SRW is not a regular RPG though, the only ones that involve actually walking around are Mugen no Frontier/Endless Frontier, the sequel EXCEED and SupaRobo Gakuen, and they're all spin-offs.
                    All the regular games are SRPGs.
                    Ah sorry, when I said OG Saga I meant Endless Frontier. I'm not an SRW expert and it's been a number of years.

                    When I got Project X Zone, I only knew several things about it:

                    >> It had characters from loads of different games
                    >> It featured characters from Endless Frontier
                    >> In screenshots, the combat looks like Endless Frontier (the actual combat resolution bits)

                    That's why I had hoped for something more RPG-esque when I got it.


                      You'd probably get more from Tales of games.


                        Originally posted by kryss View Post
                        You'd probably get more from Tales of games.
                        Never could get into them, surprisingly. I tried one of the ones on PS3, the one with the guy who's a medical student, and a blonde girl? I only managed about 4hrs before I couldn't put up with it anymore. I also struggled with the voice-acting, and I don't think there was a Japanese option (I bought it from PSN); the blonde character in particular; the acting was just really flat.

                        I've got Tales of the Abyss for the 3DS - rebought it at the weekend after seeing it in GAME for ?15. That being said, I sold it back when it was new because you couldn't save anywhere (only at save points), which I tend to think of as a cardinal sin for a handheld game. Thought I'd give it another try as the New-3DS has improved battery life.


                          You played Tales of Xillia on PS3. If you have a Vita, Tales of Hearts R has an interesting story, but I can't comment on the voice acting as I've only played the original DS release.


                            Been hammering the hell out of the new streetpass games, completed the zombie one but still loads to unlock as there are mission medals. Caught 4 of the 5 boss fish on the fishing game just the last island to fill out before i tackle the boss on that one then it's the premium islands to clear next, a lot of gaming for such a small cost, makes the streetpass retty enjoyable.


                              Streets of Rage 2, Sonic 2, and Gunstar Heroes next up on the Sega 3D Classics line!

                              I've a feeling the original, Nostradamus-like post 'predicting' this has since been edited, but a gold star to you-know-who-are


                                Will be all over Streets of Rage 2.

