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Lost Ark (Diablo 3/Divinity Style Action RPG)

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    Lost Ark (Diablo 3/Divinity Style Action RPG)

    I saw this on Youtube earlier and it completely blew me away. It's a Diablo 3/Divinity: Original Sin esque action role-playing game from South Korean company Tripod Studio and published by Smilegate. It's using the Unreal 3 engine and i must say it looks stunning. Seriously it's far better looking than anything in it's genre. Some of the features include:

    . Adventure mode that involves a story, side quests cutscenes, dialogue and decisions to make
    . A world map where you can use sailing boats for faster travel
    . Ability to play the game in both Online & Offline mode
    . Mini-games including a card game and a bizarre-looking test your strength drinking game
    . The Colosseum, a fully fleshed out player versus player arena
    . Ability to mount different creatures throughout
    . Multiple character classes to choose from
    . Optional resource gathering, including chopping down trees and fishing
    . The ability to take on a pet dog that will help you find loot on your travels

    Ji Won-gil, The head of Smilegate said ''We tried to create a gameworld which has styles and colors of western and eastern cultures to aim at the global market. We will think over how to localize detailed parts of the game to attract foreign users"

    He also stated that a team of 150 people have been working on this for nearly 3 years and will continue to work on only this until it's ready

    02m 02sec onward and we see the classes and general action including combo's and elemental gauge attacks
    09m 50sec onward and we see the field and the skill system
    11m 07sec onward and we see the ship sailing on the world map
    16m 25sec onward and we see some of the bosses followed by a cinematic dungeon

    I urge you to take 20 mins of your time to watch the whole video in 1080p if your PC can run it as it looks like it could be something special.

    Looks great, they should add controller support as it did wonders for Diablo imo.


      Interested, but cautious. I saw this some time ago.

      In my experience, a lot of games like this look amazing (they're made by the outsource art studios that make most games these days) and seem very feature-rich, but the final game ends up playing poorly, or there's this weird disconnect between how the game looks and how it plays.

      We'll have to see how it does with reviews.


        I saw this last year and was very impressed by the graphics, animations and effects. The character classes in particular look really interesting, not the usual standard types and there's more to be added. I've also read a lot of criticism about Korean games and their pay2win system though and there don't currently appear to be any loot drops. In one of the interviews however they mentioned tailoring it to western audiences when it comes here which in this case might be good thing. I think this game is a long way off but is one of my most anticipated.


          that looks impressive any know when its due to be released ?


            I think the beta testing won't get underway till later in the year and about half the character classes are yet to be revealed so it probably won't come out till sometime next year.

