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Has anyone else fully transferred over to digital?

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    Has anyone else fully transferred over to digital?

    Looking at my collection now it's basically about 15 psp games and a few dreamcast games.

    I was always against going digital fully at first but as long as the single player is still playable on steam I'm all for it at this point.
    No and I never will!! *spits in my direction*
    Yes! it's not like you'll be buried with your games.
    I still need convincing about digital only.

    The poll is expired.

    Nope. Only buy digital as a last resort, such as Phoenix Wright on 3DS, or when the physical game is rare and therefore very expensive, such as Harmful Park, or if I don't own the hardware for physical, such as Megadrive games.


      I voted "still need convincing".

      I like to buy digital, but as the games can't be re-sold, I only tend to go digital if the price is low. I'd never buy one of Nintendo's ?35 digital games. I bought Pokemon Y for ?35 physically, and sold it for about ?20 - meaning that to me, the game had a cost of about ?15.

      If I'd bought it digitally, I'd be left with it on my 3DS, unplayed (as I'm finished - I'm done with it) and ?15 out of pocket.

      Plus, digital releases lack the physical product. They should be cheaper.

      Now I'm not one of those people who insists every game to be ?2 on Steam; I will pay for my entertainment and happily pay ?15-20 on stuff, but ?35 is taking the piss.


        On PC I'm happy to get digital as the model makes a fair bit of sense and you effectively have a 'permanent' collection. On console, with the exception of digital only releases like indie stuff, buying it rarely makes sense to me. I doubt the big three will ever really sort out their ?60 new releases let alone make properly workable stores and 99% of games aren't worth keeping forever so the resale value is important especially if you're expected to shell out full whack in the first instance


          The whole digital thing is crazy. I tried to download Skate 360 - it let me pay for it, but I was unable to actually get it (it reached 79% and then stared downloading again in an infinite loop), so they refunded me.

          Last night I tried to rent Harry Potter on the Xbox One. Normally if the xbox is the wrong region, it tells you straight away, but this let me go all the way to the confirm screen and then it thought for a while and told me "Sorry, you are not able to buy videos at the moment. To make purchases, you must be in the region for your Xbox profile. If you have moved permanently change your region at". I checked and my xbox region is set to UK and my xbox account is UK address and my billing address is UK. So I can no longer use xbox video.... I found an xbox support forum with loads of other people with the same problem saying that they spent ages on the phone to xbox support and they never solved it. As an aside, I looked at the digital price for the full Harry Potter 8 film collection - it's ?50 on xbox video, or you can have the same thing on Bluray for ?25.

          Bring back catridges!

          What we really need is something like amazon music where when you buy a CD, they give you a digital copy too. However we seem to have reached the point where you can no longer buy a complete game on disc because they release the beta on disc and then use the first few months to roll out digital updates to fix all the issues. Maybe they can release the digital first for people who like being beta testers and then release a disc once it's fully patched.


            I've gone full digital on Xbox One for two reasons. The pricing on Xbox stores external to Australia are so much better and having bought a second Xbox One for the study I've realised the family sharing feature lets you play on both simultaneously with the one purchased copy. Bloody awesome.


              all depends on the price for me like for example on xbox one why would i pay 69.99 euro for digital when i can get it a lot less on amazon


                Also, xbox videos are no good if you move to a different region, e.g. move from Norway to Sweden and many of the films available are different, so even if you have bought it, you can't watch it. Ridiculous.


                  Price and resellability for me mean physical everytime. Normally only buy digital when it's on sale and there isn't a physical version available to be honest. And can't see that changing any time soon.


                    'Never' least until that's the only option.


                      I should say, also, that the lack of backwards compatibility for digital titles on Xbox One/PS4 has really knocked my opinion of digital on console.

                      I can still play Half-Life 2 on my PC; I bought it over 10 years ago. I've had 4 PCs since with different OS's and hardware.


                        Nope. I love boxes and a collection. I buy PC games on Steam but on console the prices are too crazy. I can get physical games much cheaper and am able to sell them. I also get them a couple of days early. When Evolve came out I had it on the Saturday before the Tuesday release while digital purchasers had to wait until release day.


                          Originally posted by VR46 View Post
                          Price and resellability for me mean physical everytime. Normally only buy digital when it's on sale and there isn't a physical version available to be honest. And can't see that changing any time soon.

                          Just a glance at the last 5 games I played and the price difference because I bought them physical and/or second-hand:
                          Grand Theft Auto V - ?15 (second-hand), Live price - ?49.99
                          Earth Defence Force 2025 - ?15 (new), Live Price - ?19.99
                          Brutal Legend - ?4 (second-hand 4 years ago!), Live price - ?11.99
                          Forza 3 - ?1.04 (Second-hand), Live Price - NA
                          Deus Ex - ?3 (Second Hand), Live Price - ?11.99

                          However, I bought Skate 3 and Mirror's Edge in the Black Friday sale last November for a few quid each.

                          Plus, I'm like an evil troll that likes to open my drawers of games and cackle at all my booty!
                          (and normally despair that I keep buying cheap games but never have time to play them all)


                            Most of my digital purchases have been digital only. I have bought a few Vita retail games digitally and don't mind it at all - as long as the price is okay then it's handy having them on my system. But I wouldn't ever do that with the 3DS due to the lack of an account system. Also I like to be able to share games with my kids which is pretty much impossible with digital.


                              I buy a lot more digital than I used to, but I still prefer physical for most things. I don't have a problem with paying ?35+ for digital games provided they're worth the dough. Sometimes it's really convenient to have them on your system at all times.

