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Kid has his Destiny characters players deleted by online trickster.

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    Kid has his Destiny characters players deleted by online trickster.

    The very conceit of PlayStation 4's Share Play feature is futuristic as all get-out, but it has a dark side too. Take 5th grader Henry Kramer's recent Destiny woes for example. After virtually passing his DualShock 4 to another player to access a glitch that Kramer hoped would quickly boost his characters, the other party urged him to go grab something from another room as a distraction, according to Eurogamer. Twitch viewers (Kramer was streaming at the time) watched as the nefarious user proceeded to delete two of his three characters: a nearly maxed out level 31 Warlock and a level 26 Titan, but it wasn't until Kramer came back that he saw the damage done. You can hear him crying upon his realization in the video linked here, and, well, it's hard to not be affected by it at least a little bit.

    So the kid in question basically handed his DS4 over virtually to the trollster who then suggested he grab something from his other room. Meanwhile he deletes 2 of the kids nearly maxed out characters.

    Video here:

    The very conceit of PlayStation 4's Share Play feature is futuristic as all get-out, but it has a dark side too. Take 5th grader Henry Kramer's recent Destiny woes for example. After virtually passing his DualShock 4 to another player to access a glitch that Kramer hoped would quickly boost his characters, the other party urged him to go grab something from another room as a distraction, according to Eurogamer. Twitch viewers (Kramer was streaming at the time) watched as the nefarious user proceeded to delete two of his three characters: a nearly maxed out level 31 Warlock and a level 26 Titan, but it wasn't until Kramer came back that he saw the damage done. You can hear him crying upon his realization in the video linked here, and, well, it's hard to not be affected by it at least a little bit.

    Game Informer spoke to the troll, a very interesting turn of events if true.
    The young man who owns the 'KirmitTHEFrog' account tells his story and provides evidence of innocence.


      What actually concerned me more about that story was the 11 year old was unsupervised while playing a game above his age rating, he was live streaming as well (seriously who lets an 11 year old stream live online) and his ps4 had no parental restrictions set up to stop it in the first place.


        If this happened to me I think I'd be quite pleased. I'd be able to stop playing Destiny for starters.


          Don't even feel remotely sorry for him, he thought he could cheat so he handed his controls over to a complete stranger LOL at 11 he wasn't very smart, a nice life lesson for him. Love how they tried asking Bungie to help out, why should they? He shouldn't even be playing the thing as he's underage, seems nowdays nobody want's to accept the responsibility for their actions.
          Last edited by importaku; 24-02-2015, 11:34.


            Yeah I have to agree that he shouldn't even have been playing the game nor streaming at his age.

            I guess he's learnt a life lesson there - don't trust strangers, but seriously - who cares anyway. Its only a bloody videogame, not life or death.

            Its just a bloody game!!

            Oh & btw - his grammar & pronunciation was terrible also so maybe he needs to be reading & writing a bit more!!


              Why the hell have the developers offered to help him level up and play with him? They should have said "Tough kid, you shouldn't be playing it for another 5yrs" and banned his ID from the server for being an underage cheating loser.


                I don't know. We're losing sight of the fact that someone deliberately sabotaged these characters. Not convinced I believe his story that he was asleep. Whether it's true or not, he's responsible for the actions of his account. So firstly, that guy should have his account frozen, banned, deleted or all three.

                As a gesture of goodwill, Bungie should then offer the kid some sort of equipment bonus just to smooth things over.

                Then the kid should have his account frozen for attempting to cheat.

                Then he should be banned for playing the game under age and asked what the hell he expected (answer not relevant).

                A big ol' ban fest would sort the whole thing out nicely.


                  I'm waiting for one of those generic daily mail pictures where it has a kid holding a copy of destiny up and the mother sat next to him and both looking really glum with the headline of Internet bad man stole my sons characters.

                  Anyway the kid is young it's only time he's lost, he can easily get back to where he was, just in time to be tricked again LOL


                    It's T for Teen rated and that's just a guideline and for shops to not sell to anyone under 13. Still a good life lesson though.

                    EDIT: I like dogg's idea.
                    Last edited by Brad; 24-02-2015, 11:55.


                      It's amusing how this is now a story worth reporting, in the old days, no one would give a **** if someone hacked your character or remote deleted your save!


                        The funniest thing is that Bungie can easily reverse a character deletion, I'm sure.


                          No, the funniest thing is hearing him crying at the end . . . . .

                          Yeah, theres a special place reserved for me in hell blah blah blah


                            Originally posted by ItsThere View Post
                            If this happened to me I think I'd be quite pleased. I'd be able to stop playing Destiny for starters.
                            Hey, wanna see a glitch?


                              Yeah, the crying at the end is definitely the funniest part. I love the way he thought he'd only lost the weapon until he logged back in.

                              Welcome to the real world, kid.

