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Microsoft GDC show

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    Microsoft GDC show

    A summary of things talked about at Phil Spencer's talk
    • Elite Dangerous is coming to Xbox One thos summer
    • Developers will submit their apps and games into one store. This store includes Xbox One as well
    • Cross platform gaming is going to include cross-buy as well!
    • Pinball FX2 is coming to Windows 10
    • Unreal Tournament is using DirectX 12 and is available now for free on PC
    • DirectX 12 adds a 20% gpu boost to the Xbox One
    • Xbox will bring games to Hololens!
    • #IDARB is coming to Windows 10
    • ID@Xbox is now helping devs for Windows !0!
    • Porting Shovel Knight to Xbox One and implementing cross play only took 1 day for the devs of the Yacht Club
    • Game 4 from Behemoth is coming to windows 10
    • as well as Swordy, THis War of Mine, Wasteland 2, Cuphead, Shovel Knight!!
    • Battletoads are coming to Shovel Knight!
    • Chris Carla said he wonders where we will see battletoads next
    • Phil Spencer announces that a Wireless adapter for Xbox One controllers to work on Windows 10
    • will be coming out later this year
    • Gigantic is coming to Windows 10 and Xbox One later this year
    • also has cross play

    A lot of windows 10 focus then


      Why does Microsoft on a one OS fits all strategy? And a 20% GPU boost via Direct X 12 seems somewhat unlikely. But hey Battletoads in Shovel Knight sounds good to me.


        Elite Dangerous

        Now I want a Bone ASAP.


          Elite Dangerous is a pretty cool nab by Microsoft, the Battletoads announcement was a surprise and i was initially stoked for it. A cool 3d mele shooter with Batteltoads would be cool but how there aligning it with shovel-knight is making me think it's probably gonna be a rock hard 2d affair akin to the recent retro mega man 10 remake.


            It's just them trolling by putting them in Shovel Knight, I'd be really suprised if the actual game is pixel art.

            I really don't know how Battletoads will work in 2015, for one the scrolling beat em up is a dead genre and Battletoads is a weird 90's byproduct in response to Ninja Turtles, Biker mice from Mars and Bucky o hare


              God dammit I really didn't want an xbone. But if elite dangerous is really exclusive and not timed, I'll cave like cheap wood in a mine shaft for sure

              Edit. Now confirmed for ps4 too.
              Last edited by fishbowlhead; 05-03-2015, 18:46.


                Never liked Battle Toads. Thought the style of the characters was turd as were the games. I don't know, to me they were to the TMNT what the G-Bots were to Transformers.


                  The games were brilliant.
                  I used to love playing Battletoads VS Double Dragon with my sister.


                    I used to love the NES version. Mind you the difficulty was nuts even back then in a time of game design cruelty. Hope they show something new at E3 in a few months.


                      There will be no doubt they will bring out Battletoads at E3 big question is what form will it be and who will be developing?

                      I'm going to say either Twisted Pixel or Press Play for a downloadable only Battletoads, would be very surprised to see it as a full retail title.




                          Ohhh good choice, I always thought they would be nabbed by Capcom for the Megaman revival-rival game that would go up against Mighty No. 9. (this will never happen of course)

