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Shenm.... I can't bring myself to type the rest of this magical word.

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    I'm running an imaginary Shenmue teaser trailer in my head and getting goosebumps, please don't play with my heart SEGA


      Originally posted by teddymeow View Post
      Why Sqeenix?
      Publisher, I assume.


        It would be great if it came to Ps4, you'd instantly have a huge group of people who previously had no interest in Shenmue who would suddenly be super excited by the prospect it's not coming to Xbox One.


          Loved the first 2 on Dreamcast. Don't have the heart to play them again because memories may be destroyed. But a full remaster? Maybe...


            Originally posted by importaku View Post
            Will most likely end up been a mobile game
            IAP to find where sailors hang out!


              If they release Shenmue III, what can we Troll the forum with?! There's always Raiden, I guess!

              I tried Dreamcast Shenmue recently and couldn't get into it. It really misses a second analogue stick.


                Don't worry QC there are people on here that can troll anything without trying, they'll always be something for them to go at


                  I'm entirely expecting this to be fake, I deeply love S1 and S2 but we're well past the point of Shenmue 3 being worthwhile or making sense to Sega surely?

                  They could always make for a fun E3 reveal though given this is yet another mythical '3' vaporware release.

                  The lights dim... the string music begins to stir... text fades in on the screen...

                  Left For Dead

                  A Half Life

                  Come Through a Portal

                  Sega Presents... the long awaited return...

                  Shenmue iOS


                    I loved Shenmue 1&2 and had been waiting for some closure until I eventually gave up.

                    Fast-forward to now and the company I work at not only has about three members of staff called Ryo, but also a warehouse and forklift trucks and is beside a river. Granted, it's not a sea stretching to infinity like in the game but I think these coincidences come together to prove that Shenmue 3 exists.

                    If it's some card game or whatever then I'll probably be able to understand how people felt trolled by the PS4 FF7 re-release announcement.


                      I have an erection. I just wanted you to all know that.

                      Shenmue & Shenmue II HD sounds feasible but Shenmue III? Now is better than never with E3 2015 around the corner and the next generation machines fully established. Square Enix though?


                        It'd be interesting to see what the modern teenage gamer would make of the final disc of Shenmue 2. They wouldn't like it, I can tell you that for nothing.


                          'What the modern gaming teenager thinks' is really high up on my hand written list of things I don't care about. But Shenmue is on my other, better lists.


                            I'd take a Shenmue III that had Dreamcast's polygon budget and the same dodgy voice acting if it just meant finishing the damn series...


                              I adored Shenmue when I was 15 so I'm sure it would still connect with gamers of the same age nowadays.

                              I think the main snagging point was the waiting for shops and activities to occur and the lack of meaningful things to take part in. If Shenmue III was identical to the old games I think the flaws would become more apparent in the harsh light of 2015. I would enjoy a game where they added quest design in-between the waiting periods or design the game more open ended where you had choice about what to do. Because the game was fairly linear, but the illusion of freedom was granted because of the interactive world.

                              If I think of my favourite moments of Shenmue it wasn't the 100 man fight or the bike ride, it was the small moments like talking to Naomi and watching the stilted teenage relationship unfold, and wondering around the harbour at night time, soaking up the atmosphere as people were wondering home and drinking in bars. Despite rendering several towns with hundreds of characters, it was a lonely, atmospheric game and it's games like Shenmue, Ico, Tomb Raider, Resident Evil 2 and Half Life 2 that have always stuck in my mind more than any other.

                              I don't know how you would make Shenmue III as the weight of expectation is so high it will always be a failure in may peoples eyes, despite them forgetting the flaws of the original Shenmue, but I would love an end to the story delivered as a proper Videogame. Hope this one is true!


                                Originally posted by Wools View Post
                                If I think of my favourite moments of Shenmue it wasn't the 100 man fight or the bike ride, it was the small moments like talking to Naomi and watching the stilted teenage relationship unfold, and wondering around the harbour at night time, soaking up the atmosphere as people were wondering home and drinking in bars.
                                Completely 100% with you on this. It's more of this that I would love. The feeling of just being there.

