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Shenm.... I can't bring myself to type the rest of this magical word.

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    You do understand what NeoGAF is, right?


      NeoGAF, the forum where by if you don't agree with everything you are banned forever. Some nice members there but a lot of the mods are real arse holes. Was banned myself! For what reason? No idea.


        Yeah they are brutal it's like walking through a landmine on there, i'm still alive but only just lol.


          Originally posted by Yakumo View Post
          NeoGAF, the forum where by if you don't agree with everything you are banned forever. Some nice members there but a lot of the mods are real arse holes. Was banned myself! For what reason? No idea.
          I think it was because you were offering the sale of XRGB units or something? But yeah, the moderators will basically just pick on whoever they want and override any rationale.

          There are pockets of good community there but I haven't bothered with it in months now, much prefer here...


            The comments on NeoGAF are cracking me up so much.

            when the announcement happens, and the news is posted on GAF, the first post has to be "I see..."

            If not, we have failed.
            The GIFs are great, too. Doubt I'd sign up there but it's good for scrolling through for a chuckle.


              Originally posted by speedlolita View Post
              But yeah, the moderators will basically just pick on whoever they want and override any rationale.
              The moderation in that place is really odd. The mods are cowardly enough to hide behind a bot when closing threads but some of them seem to be worshipped by obsequious toadies that make animated GIFs of their avatars.


                At least you only have to deal with one mod who's a git here. Me.

                YOU'RE ALL BANNED!!!!!!!


                  If you can beat me at Lucky Hit you can ban everyone for a week.

                  But if I win EB gets to Shenmueify the site theme and make the snow fall like it did on that day and change avatars to GIFs of fork lights and we get the swear filter turned off for five minutes.

