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World War FPS Games on PC

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    World War FPS Games on PC

    Please could anyone give me WW Games to watch and read about that are on PC....

    So far I have watched and read about..

    COD United Offensive
    Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad
    MOH Allied Assault.

    Not interested in any of the brothers in arms games, as I don't care for how they play.

    Thank You.

    You really can't do any better than Rising storm/Red Orchestra 2. It's virtually one shot kills but does take a bit of patience - you can't go running around spraying aimlessly like COD, it's a measured and amazing experience.

    If you havnt tried it before , Battlefield Bad Company 2 - Vietnam is still great, granted not WW, but similar period vibes.


      Thanks Base....yes anything similar is great....i'll look into that. Thank you


        Call of Duty United Offensive is the expansion pack for Call of Duty. I'd highly recommend Call of Duty if you're after a great single player experience. Rushing Stalingrad with only an ammo clip in your hand is quite exciting, until you find a weapon. Call of Duty 2 was pretty alright too.

        If you want some online action I'd suggest both of the games I have already mentioned and Day of Defeat Source.


          I played the original Call of Duty when they released it as a download (and loved it) I played COD2 on 360...loved that too!
          I've not been a pc gamer before, so anything that is PC Exclusive, I haven't played it, and may not even know it exists.

          My laptop is horrible, but, I bought a separate keyboard and obv the mouse pad is on the lappy, I've played around with a few games to get the feel for keyboard and mouse and I like it..i'm growing in to it.

          With me working, its about time I bought a PC for gaming as non of the current consoles are really doing anything for me and the PC will open up an entire backcatalog of games. I do enjoy FPS Games....but, nothing too modern, with cut-scene overload does anything for me.

          I think the last modern game I played was battlefield 3, that was alright. I don't really care for anything with a sci-fi setting, that's a big turn off.

          I like gritty, war themed, modern (to an extent) but not sci-fi. I do have a craving to play some war type fps action, and I'm lucky enough to be in a situation to buy a PC Now...

          EDIT, Halo was okay I guess, I Did Enjoy the Half Life series even though I said I don't care for sci-fi, but in the end, blue bullets, neon colours and all that stuff...I don't like it that much...
          Last edited by ShadowDancer; 31-05-2015, 16:32.


            I hear Verdun is also decent but may be similar to RO2.


              Anything with a modern setting, maybe similar to 'Black' worth looking into?
              PC exclusive ideally (chances are I've played it otherwise)


                Have you played No One Lives Forever and 2 before? You'd have to buy them off eBay but they're both excellent.


                  I played the 1st one on PS2 but its been a long long time. Great game....I might re-play the 1st then try the 2nd

