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The obligatory E3 wishlist thread

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    An interesting game.


      A new keychain sized console like pokemon mini but with a colour screen and tiny carts, instead of pokemon, nintendo can release a range of micro sized games from various franchises, or hell make it a micro game & watch handheld where the carts that go into it look like real tiny game and watch handhelds.


        Shenmue 3
        Shenmue 4
        Shenmue 5
        Shenmue 6
        Shenmue 7


          All joking aside, I'd love to see some of the lost hardware manufacturers get involved again. NEC, SNK, SEGA, Atari, I kind of miss them all to be honest. Never going to happen though.


            Originally posted by Pikate View Post
            Animal Crossing Amiibo xD

            My purse is being truly pillaged by Nintendo now. I'm going to be blowing dudes behind the bus station for Amiibo money at this rate.
            Women need loving too, as do all those in between. Trust me, if you can actually buy them you should count yourself among the lucky ones.


              Are there any Amiibo that are particularly tough to get hold of? Here in Taiwan I see quite a lot of them sitting on shelves, and I thought I maybe I should get a couple if they happen to be rare. The Ness one might look nice on my desk.


                Originally posted by Colin View Post
                Everyone knows that the Dreamcast 2 is real, but held back by a powerful lobby of the current console markets.


                  My wishlist this year is exactly the same as my wishlist last year so i will repeat it here. Get comfortable people because this fantasy wish list is a long one.

                  .Square Enix have secretly been working on a Final Fantasy VII remake albiet part time ever since they showed the tech demo for the PS3 back in 2005. They have managed to secure the largest game budget in history (250m dollars) for the project and they now plan on working on the game full time as in working 16 hour days leaving 8 hours for sleeping and eating, 7 days a week, 365 days a year for the next 4 years to create the greatest entertainment product in history. The whole world will be fully 3d including the towns which will have new areas added as being in 3d will show the towns in full so they will have to add areas where originally the camera couldnt see. Every house and room will be perfectly remade and every character major & minor will be fully voiced. It will run at 60fps in 1080p. Once finished they will then give the same treatment to Final Fantasy 8 & 9.

                  .Viewtiful Joe 1 & 2 HD collection and for Hideki Kamiya to announce Viewtiful Joe 3 exclusive for the Wii U

                  .EA Canada to announce a proper remake of SSX Tricky for the PS4. The game will feature all the original courses properly remade as well as 2 all new courses in the same vein as the rest of the courses. It will also feature more racers in the race and online racing.

                  .Team Andromeda to announce they have reformed and decided to make proper Panzer Dragoon Zwei and Panzer Dragoon Saga remakes and not just HD updates. Then for them to start work on a Panzer Dragoon Saga 2. This became possible after 2 of the members miraculously BOTH won the Mega Millions/Euro Lottery!!!

                  .Camelot to announce they are reforming and are remaking all 3 parts of Shining Force III. After hearing about the Final Fantasy VII remake they promise people to make the Shining Force 3 remakes to the same high standards as in a full 3d world including fully redone 3d towns and confirm every character will be voiced and the games will feature a ton of extra content like secret dungeons, enemies, sidequests all running in 1080p at 60fps. One of the team members won the Mega Millions/Euro Lottery then a few weeks later a 2nd team member won the Mega Millions/Euro Lottery then a month later a 3rd member won the Mega Millions/Euro Lottery. Over the following months a 4th, 5th and 6th member amazingly all won the Mega Millions/Euro Lottery. These 6 people decided to combine alot of their winnings to make these games possible.

                  .Skies Of Arcadia Wii U remake and a Skies Of Arcadia 2 in the works also for Wii U.

                  .The Apaloosa team to announce they have come back together to do a sequel to Ecco The Dolphin Defender Of The Future for Wii U.

                  .Sega Saturn Bomberman HD remaster to be announced for Xbox Live, PS+ & PC which will allow people to play each other online including on the 10 player battle mode.

                  .Yu Suzuki to ride out onto the stage on Ryo Hazuki's Motorbike from Shenmue and to announce that despite it not being the wisest business decision he has persuaded Sony to give him 150 million dollars to make Shenmue 3 for the PS4. It will feature a huge environment set in China and although not quite as big as GTA V or the Final Fantasy VII remake that everyone has been telling him about it will be much more intricately detailed like the first Shenmue. It will be filled with plenty of things to do like Sidequests, Arcades, item collecting and jobs. Shenmue 1 & 2 will also be HD remastered with updated controls/camera and will be released shortly before Shenmue 3.

                  .Nintendo to announce HD updates for F-Zero GX with online racing aswel as Mario Sunshine. Nintendo to also announce Wii U Super Mario Galaxy 3 as well as announcing that a brand new 3d RPG Pokemon game and Animal Crossing is in development for Wii U.

                  .Capcom to announce Powerstone 1 & 2 HD remakes for Xbox Live, PS+ & PC featuring online play followed by the announcement of Powerstone 3 which they have been working on for a while and which should be ready by the end of the year for PS4, Xbone & PC.

                  .Intelligent Systems to announce Fire Emblem Wii U and Advance Wars 3ds.

                  .Yuji Naka to announce that he and his team are making a Burning Rangers 2 for the Wii U. The game is being made on a decent budget which was made via kickstarter funding and also by the development team managing to persuade Sega to give them an amount equal to what was received from kickstarter. The game will be much longer than the first and feature online co-op play as well as many routes through the burning building levels and a choice of characters with different strengths.
                  There will also be evil arsonist/terrorist bosses in the buildings that try to torch everything that you will have to fight. The last one was held back by the Saturns technical limitations but Naka San promises this will look stunning and run at 60fps in 1080p.

                  .All the guys that used to make up Lobotomy Software to appear on stage and announce that they all decided to take a holiday to Egypt together a few months back and whilst there they bumped into and began chatting with the worlds richest Egyptian Nassef Sawiris
                  who confessed to being a huge fan of their videogames back in the day particularly Exhumed and that he would be willing to give them 100 million dollars if they agreed to remake Exhumed and then create a sequel afterwards to which they accepted. Lobotomy Software have therefor got back together to remake Exhumed for PS4, Xbone & PC. They promise it will look every bit as good as any other fp style game and will feature dual analogue control. They also promise that the sequel will be even better.

                  Working Designs to announce they have reformed to fully remake Sega Saturn games Dragon Force 1 & 2 on the Wii U.

                  I'm sure that's not too much to ask for is it?


                    Now MS have launched backwards compatibility for One I'd like Sony to come out and say that PSNow will be folded into PS+ so you can rent for free as part of the IGC.


                      I'm not sure they'd go that far but unlimited* PSNow rentals of each months PS3 additional titles maybe? As well as the ability to still download directly to your PS3 of course. There's been a few PS3 titles that have been part of the collection in recent months that I would have played had it not have meant having to play them on my PS3 which is in the bedroom now. Similarly in the way that B/C titles may be given as pre-order incentives on Xbox One, they could implement the same via PSNow on PSNow enabled devices.

                      *unlimited for the duration of your subscription obviously.


                        Since the Shenmue fans are now getting their third instalment, can I please have my new PC-Engine? Or even a new run of the old hardware for all the great 16-bit era systems and some choice classic games? Imagine that? How wonderful it would be to see the crazy retro market prices destroyed by a new run of the classics. I say it as a joke as I know it's sheer fantasy, but I wonder if these companies realise they could make a fortune out of another production run.


                          That would be great! Or at least licensing old hardware so others can do it as a plan B. But I t's much easier for them to just release retro games on XBLA/PSN with a lot less risk.

                          But if they did re-runs of high-priced hardware wouldn't they themselves being the prices way down(and therefore profit less)? I suppose they could just undercut eBay sellers and still make a decent profit initially but I wonder how viable these things are.

                          Maybe Shenmue is also a good litmus test for other seemingly loss-leading endeavours. If Sony can announce a KS-backed game at E3 then anything is fair game.


                            Originally posted by Colin View Post
                            Since the Shenmue fans are now getting their third instalment, can I please have my new PC-Engine? Or even a new run of the old hardware for all the great 16-bit era systems and some choice classic games? Imagine that? How wonderful it would be to see the crazy retro market prices destroyed by a new run of the classics. I say it as a joke as I know it's sheer fantasy, but I wonder if these companies realise they could make a fortune out of another production run.
                            That would be fantastic. Surely there are old chip foundries out there that need the business? New production runs with better quality capacitors and cd mechs would give a shot in the arm for the longevity of the older systems too.

