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    The really dedicated fans of the games will chip in and get some continuation of the story they love, but I highly doubt it will sell in any numbers to the general gaming public.


      Originally posted by Nu-Eclipse View Post
      NOBODY in the industry wanted to touch Shenmue 3 with a barge pole, especially given that the first two games effectively killed Sega as a hardware developer given the money pumped into them.
      How many times is this going to be trotted out? The years of **** hardware add ons, bad business decisions and the public waiting for the PS2 killed Sega, Shenmue had little to do with it.


        Sega should make a Cluedo like board game of who killed Sega (it was the Chu Chu Rocket mouse in the Green Hill Zone with a Samba De Amigo Maraca)


          Billy Hatcher's inability to hold onto that poxy egg killed Sega.


            Originally posted by Pikate View Post
            Sega should make a Cluedo like board game of who killed Sega (it was the Chu Chu Rocket mouse in the Green Hill Zone with a Samba De Amigo Maraca)
            I'll Kickstart that for a dollar!


              According to a video I saw on YouTube by a guy called Adam Koralik, Sony's financial involvement in Shenmue III consists of promoting the game and paying for its porting to the PS4. In return, I believe they expect to land a nice exclusive and some good PR. If that's the case, perhaps they should have made that clearer as I have a feeling that this confusion is damaging the funding campaign.


                I think it would help everyone if Sony would just come out and say exactly what the situation is. Is the kickstarter a measure of gathering the interest, with the amount being somewhat irrelevant as they will fund what ever the cost is. It was a great headline grabber last week, now need to back it up with some clarity on the project.


                  Shenmue 3's already going gangbusters on Kickstarter, having crept up to just over $3.5 million since its crowdfunding …

                  Yu says $10m needs to be raised for a true open world. Personally I don't think the game needs one and I doubt he'll attract much funding for one given the whole game looks set to take place in fields and villages. At the moment he's billing Shenmue 3 as a whole game set in Shenmue 2's weakest section.

                  So yeah, there'll never be an ending.


                    I think they'll be very lucky to hit $5 million. $10m isn't going to happen.


                      Kicktraq measures trends on crowd funding, and currently sees this finishing in excess of $14m. Just putting that out there.


                        Yep but it says that trends are not projections for the exact reason I think this will have a hard time hitting more than $5 million. This got a huge burst of publicity right at the start and a massive spike in donations. Those level off and it has levelled off already. I think a huge number of the people who want to donate have already done so. They might get another spike with some new announcements or adding some new exclusive rewards that could cause current donaters to bump up their pledges but I still think they won't hit $10 million.

                        I'll be happy to be wrong though. I have donated and want this to be as good as it can be.

                        Edit: Actually the site does give projections and what it says is LOW: $5.9million, HIGH: $9.2million. We'll see but my bet is on the low end.


                          Surely the initial surge has thrown that off? It'd have to earn at least 2-3x per day than it is every remaining day to hit that or have epic surges.

                          My Final guess would be $5-6m, I think it'll pick at a little at months end and campaign end but I don't think the incentive or fanbase is there for more


                            I think lack of paypal option is a factor , and they should also add paypal for continued donations once the kickstarter period ends . It would easily hit 5-7 million then


                              i reckon after the kickstarter they will do what was done with star citizen and kingdom come and set up a website so they can still take donations


                                Originally posted by nakamura View Post
                                The theory is fuelled by the AM2 logo.
                                As are some of the best games I've ever played.

