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    66 hours left and it's reached $4.9m

    Also a little bit more footage:


      I'm not too fond of some of his answers for the latest Q&A. They're very cryptic. Also, he said the first gameplay footage will be shown in 2017 but that's the year it'll be released. Considering we're funding the development, should they be a bit more transparent? Mind you, I can't remember how in-depth the Shenmue promotional videos were other than that there were cutscenes and that initial pre-render.

      As for the video, wtf is it zooming in on Shenhua's arse like that


        9 hours left and the game has broken the record for highest earning videogame kickstarter. It's just passed $5.7m


          With 4 hrs to go it looks likely that Shenmue 3 will soon smash through $6m mark


            It's passed $6M with three hours to go

            Twitch countdown should be starting soon. I expect a fair number of last-minute jumps as people get caught up in the moment.

            Shenmue 3 | Ys Net #SaveShenmue
            Last edited by randombs; 17-07-2015, 22:57.


              Closed with $6.333m. After 14 years of waiting fans can take a deep sigh of relief that Shenmue 3 is coming... and now start waiting for two and a half more years


                I reckon though it would be a good idea for them to set up a website to continue the crowd funding and to take paypal payments


                  Suzuki best not get complacent and be on the ball. He has no room to **** up this time.


                    Just out of curiosity. How many games has Yu Suzuki f**ked up over his career?


                      Originally posted by eastyy View Post
                      I reckon though it would be a good idea for them to set up a website to continue the crowd funding and to take paypal payments
                      Said they would continue to fund the campaign with paypal donations at the end of the countdown stream last night


                        Shenmue I & II. If they'd not be restarted god knows how many times we wouldn't need a kickstarter to get the third game and sega would still be about.


                          Originally posted by Kit View Post
                          Shenmue I & II. If they'd not be restarted god knows how many times we wouldn't need a kickstarter to get the third game and sega would still be about.
                          Your post doesn't make any sense

                          What are you talking about? You do understand that Yu Suzuki doesn't have any leverage on Sega about the first two games? And no, Sega wouldn't be around even if they had released Shenmue 3, or what ever.


                            Originally posted by Guts View Post
                            Your post doesn't make any sense

                            What are you talking about? You do understand that Yu Suzuki doesn't have any leverage on Sega about the first two games? And no, Sega wouldn't be around even if they had released Shenmue 3, or what ever.
                            I think Kit is responding to the post I left asking about where had Yu Suzuki previously messed up a game


                              I was. Don't know why Guts went off on one.

                              The games amazing (I'm not questioning that - look how many times I've posted in this thread) but it's in the same category as DNF etc in regards to having development issues.


                                If you think Shenmue really is that good, go and check out Mizzurna Falls. It did the open world thing with people living lives a year before on PS1.

