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gamescom 2015 - updated with hands-on impressions

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    gamescom 2015 - updated with hands-on impressions

    well, i know there isn't much interest here in the biggest games show that is also open to gamers. but, as every year, at least i wanted to ask if anyone else from the forum will be attending. i will be in Cologne at the first day (business and media only), Aug. 5, and probably the following day, Aug. 6.

    so in case someone is going and likes to meet up, wants to have some sightseeing tips or whatever advice or information then let me know.

    official site (english):
    We are sorry about that! The page you requested could not be found.
    Last edited by Uli; 07-08-2015, 10:55.

    I really wanted to go but I don't think I can afford it. I say I'll go every year but never do. Plus I don't have anyone to go with


      Originally posted by Uli View Post
      well, i know there isn't much interest here in the biggest games show that is also open to gamers. but, as every year, at least i wanted to ask if anyone else from the forum will be attending. i will be in Cologne at the first day (business and media only), Aug. 5, and probably the following day, Aug. 6.

      so in case someone is going and likes to meet up, wants to have some sightseeing tips or whatever advice or information then let me know.

      official site (english):
      Don't worry Uli - we go every year vicariously via you! Look forward to your thoughts on the show


        I found it horrifyingly busy last year. Can't say I enjoyed it


          Originally posted by Finsbury Girl View Post
          Don't worry Uli - we go every year vicariously via you! Look forward to your thoughts on the show
          yes of course i will share my impression with you. looking forward specially to all the exclusive games Microsoft spared to present at gamescom. i think Quantum Break, Scalebound and Crackdown most of all. maybe there is even a surprise title, who knows.

          Originally posted by EvilBoris View Post
          I found it horrifyingly busy last year. Can't say I enjoyed it
          sorry to hear. when were you there Boris? Saturdays and Sundays are best avoided of course. also if you are there for just 1 day it helps immensely to have a plan of which game or booth is priority to see. it's pretty pointless to wait 3 hours in a queue to watch a trailer that will be released to the internet probably the next day.

          Originally posted by shaffy_oppa View Post
          I really wanted to go but I don't think I can afford it. I say I'll go every year but never do. Plus I don't have anyone to go with
          have you checked the prices? there should be lots of all expense tours to gamescom. this year the UK is the main partnerland of gamescom.

          also to team up and meet is the main reason i open this thread every year.
          Last edited by Uli; 15-07-2015, 13:58.


            I think it was a thursday last time? I can't remember to be honest, I think it was the first day as we went to the aftershow party at the MS stand in the evening. That was a much better way to play the demos! No kids , no public, free booze.


              There appears to be a live stream here:

              No Sony this year, so Microsoft get a great chance to shine!
              Quantum Break! Crackdown! Scalebound!


                as promised my impressions from the first day at gamescom 2015.

                Mirror's Edge (playable demo) - visually stunning, more fluid and precise controls and with open world mission based gameplay i think this will be a sure purchase for me.

                Star Wars Battlefront (fighter squadron multiplayer demo) - put me right back into the movies with super authentic visuals and sounds. control of my Tie fighter was a bit fiddly at first but after a few minutes of getting used to i got my first kill. was surprisingly fun. unfortunately no single player missions, no space combat and no support for VR glasses.

                Tomb Raider (gameplay presentation) - more exploration and tomb raiding, great loactions (e.g. Syrian mountain desert) improved animation and graphics, looks absolutely stunning, can't wait!

                Scalebound (gameplay presentation) - looked to me like Monster Hunter meets Devil May Cry. the devs call it an Action RPG. the character design and voice over appears to be catered toward a younger american audience of wanna-be-cool kids. i found it a bit off-putting.

                Forza 6 (demo hands-on) - visually updated with weather and day/night settings but it's not dynamic. i was laughing when i found out that Fanatec brings a new Forza compatible Steering Wheel setup that costs about 1.600 Euro because Turn 10, again, didn't even think of a semi-auto shifting option. this is both ridiculous and symtomatic for the game that, in it's given state, is clearly behind Project Cars in terms of racing simulation based features.

                Quantum Break (gameplay demonstration and TV series snippets) - actions looks stunning, technically a bit dated and looking like sub 900p. gameplay choices trigger different TV scenes and lead to a differend outcome. sounds interesting but i am still sceptical that it will work like intended.

                overall a nice day at the show, great atmosphere, not too hot and not too crowded with qeues under 1h at the consumer floor cinemas. will be there tomorrow again with booked presentations of Rainbow 6 and Destiny Taken King.



                  Wasn't too fond of this trailer, but I'll post it anyway for the MGS massive.

                  Oh and a 30 minute gameplay demo that I'm about to watch too.


                    Originally posted by Uli View Post
                    as promised my impressions from the first day at gamescom 2015.

                    Mirror's Edge (playable demo) - visually stunning, more fluid and precise controls and with open world mission based gameplay i think this will be a sure purchase for me.

                    Star Wars Battlefront (fighter squadron multiplayer demo) - put me right back into the movies with super authentic visuals and sounds. control of my Tie fighter was a bit fiddly at first but after a few minutes of getting used to i got my first kill. was surprisingly fun. unfortunately no single player missions, no space combat and no support for VR glasses.

                    Tomb Raider (gameplay presentation) - more exploration and tomb raiding, great loactions (e.g. Syrian mountain desert) improved animation and graphics, looks absolutely stunning, can't wait!

                    Scalebound (gameplay presentation) - looked to me like Monster Hunter meets Devil May Cry. the devs call it an Action RPG. the character design and voice over appears to be catered toward a younger american audience of wanna-be-cool kids. i found it a bit off-putting.

                    Forza 6 (demo hands-on) - visually updated with weather and day/night settings but it's not dynamic. i was laughing when i found out that Fanatec brings a new Forza compatible Steering Wheel setup that costs about 1.600 Euro because Turn 10, again, didn't even think of a semi-auto shifting option. this is both ridiculous and symtomatic for the game that, in it's given state, is clearly behind Project Cars in terms of racing simulation based features.

                    Quantum Break (gameplay demonstration and TV series snippets) - actions looks stunning, technically a bit dated and looking like sub 900p. gameplay choices trigger different TV scenes and lead to a differend outcome. sounds interesting but i am still sceptical that it will work like intended.

                    overall a nice day at the show, great atmosphere, not too hot and not too crowded with qeues under 1h at the consumer floor cinemas. will be there tomorrow again with booked presentations of Rainbow 6 and Destiny Taken King.
                    Cool Uli. Looking forward to your take on R6.....


                      Quantum Break doesn't look as great visually as it did in that 1st glimpse we had last yr.

                      Sam Lake from Remedy looks exactly like Max Payne from 1 & 2!! Did they use his image in those games or I it a freakishly mad coincidence?


                        Originally posted by EDDIE M0NS00N View Post
                        Quantum Break doesn't look as great visually as it did in that 1st glimpse we had last yr.

                        Sam Lake from Remedy looks exactly like Max Payne from 1 & 2!! Did they use his image in those games or I it a freakishly mad coincidence?
                        It's his face


                          Its weird coz as soon as the dude came out on stage at gamescon I recognised his mush instantly, then when I noticed it was a dude from Remedy I was a bit spooked for a mo!!


                            Okay, 2nd day games...

                            Destiny The Taken King (first mssion hands on) - a very generous presentaion with a 30 min hands on and 20 min interview with Bungie's community manager. the new supers are awesome - i tested the Titan Hammer and the Warlock's lightning attack. the new weapons are fun and seem to be designed a bit more thoughtful and with fewer reskins if at all. no new planets will be added, there is just the gigantic Dreadnoght plus an intro section, there will be changes to the old patrol bounties and also new enemies included in the venus and moon raids. Light level system will be replaced by a new kind of XP based level up system. level cap is 40 and legendary weapons wont be upgradable. so what can i say? it's more Destiny with a huge chunk of fresh content. can't wait!

                            Dark Souls 3 (PC gameplay demo) - design wise it's going back to the first Dark Souls but with bigger bosses. technically the game is hit and miss with some great animated bosses but also lower resolution backdrops and an inconsistent lighting with no dynamic shadow for torches and other fire sources. boss fights are superb looking and seem to be on par with Bloodborne.

                            Mad Max (15 minutes Xbox One hands on ) - can't say much as it took me too long to figure the controls but the game seems to have potential. fighting system is fun and has lots of possibilities. open world and mission based. felt a bit like Rage but more intricate close combat and with deeper RPG elements. graphics captured the movies atmosphere perfectly but were not all that great compared to current gen's top titles. i have this on my watch list.

                            Rainbow 6 Siege (15 minutes 5v5 multiplayer hands on, PC version) - i was completely overstrained with the controls and countless options to infiltrate with cams, mount stuff and secure areas. it's really very fast paced and rounds can be over in like 2 minutes. unfourtunately i coudn't check the co-op mode Terror Hunt. i hope this gives us more AI to fight against. technically it's okay looking and still a bit glitchy with heavy clipping and some stiff animations. weapons and gunplay feel great though. it's certainly going to be fun for series veterans but i doubt it provide as much long term appeal to me as Vegas or Vegas 2 did.


                              I haven't managed to follow the MS press conference, so forgive me if this is old news, but was there any mention of a release date for the wireless adapter for the Xbox One controller to work with Windows?

