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The portable Steam Machine will cost $299, gets late 2016 release date

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    The portable Steam Machine will cost $299, gets late 2016 release date

    Stay Connected. Follow Polygon Now!

    The handheld, portable Steam Machine previously known as the Steamboy will go on sale on Nov. 10 for $299 ? the same day other Steam Machines from manufacturers like Alienware and Cyberpower hit store shelves ? but the device won't actually ship until late next year, according to its manufacturer.

    Smach, the company touting the portable Steam OS device, says the handheld will ship out during the fourth quarter of 2016. That $299 price (?299 in Europe) is apparently the device's pre-sale price only. We've reached out to the company for more details on pricing.

    The Smach Zero ? the Steamboy project's new name ? claims to be "the first handheld console to play Steam games on the go." The device will play "more than 1,000 games" from Steam's library on day one, with a hardware spec that will balance performance and cost.

    According to Smach's hardware specifications, the Smach Zero will feature two touch pads, a control stick, seven buttons on the front and six on the rear. The input scheme will be "similar to the latest version" of Valve's official Steam controller.

    Here are the hardware specs that Smach announced in June:
    • AMD embedded G-Series SoC "Steppe Eagle" with Jaguar-based CPU and GCN-based Radeon graphics
    • 4 GB RAM memory
    • 32GB internal memory and SD Card Slot
    • USB OTG
    • 5-inch Touch screen with 720p resolution
    • Configurable tactile gamepads
    • HDMI video output connection
    • Wi-Fi connectivity
    • Bluetooth connectivity
    • 4G mobile network connectivity (PRO model only)

    Smach exhibited at Gamescom this weekend, where it made the pricing announcement, but we haven't seen or played with its Smach Zero portable yet. We've asked Smach for more details on the company.

    This is going to be an uber interesting handheld but the lack of info on the battery and its power hungry stature make me think of the Game Gear again. What will be amazing is what it emulates though....

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    Originally posted by replicashooter View Post
    According to Smach's hardware specifications, the Smach Zero will feature two touch pads, a control stick, seven buttons on the front and six on the rear. The input scheme will be "similar to the latest version" of Valve's official Steam controller.


    This is going to be an uber interesting handheld but the lack of info on the battery and its power hungry stature make me think of the Game Gear again. What will be amazing is what it emulates though....
    If it's like the latest version of Valve's Steam Controller, emulation is going to be a bit of a washout. The Steam controller doesn't even have a d-pad.


      'Configurable tactile gamepads' seems to indicate that will be the case.


        Crikey never thought it would happen, sure I posted about it on here a year ago, just thinking it was a gimmick.

        Will be great for emulation once it fails as a Steam machine.


          Looks nice. Wonder if it has a hdmi port to hook up to the tv?

          If it does I'd defo get rid of my PS Vita for this. Got a load of Steam games & gave only played 2 of them in the past 2 yrs coz my lappy cant cope with them!!


            I'm good, thank you.


              Yes anything like this with no official Steam support just has bad news written all over it.

              May as well go for that 7" Vita if you want a large handheld


                Originally posted by Asura View Post
                If it's like the latest version of Valve's Steam Controller, emulation is going to be a bit of a washout. The Steam controller doesn't even have a d-pad.
                That is one thing I noticed and hope they change, the tactile pads seem like a nice touch but you can't beat a real dpad and for some reason they've decided to use the 4 separate buttons type that never works well.

                As for the DekaVita - You really have to wonder WTF Sony is thinking sometimes. I think that will be worth buying and keeping in the loft because it will become their Virtual Boy. Just stop and think for a moment:

                Here's a device that turns a home console based on a portable device back into a larger, ungainly portable device.

                It's almost like the team smoked some weed, watched Inception and looked at each other and said "You know...."


                  It's probably a good job that Sony isn't making it, then.

                  I like it. It's hilarious but I also want to try it at the same time.


                    Seriously hope people aren't going to be buying these expecting competitive 3D performance. lol


                      So they've mirrored the dpad buttons just to match the action buttons spacing for the sake of a look? It's amazing how you can put someone in a position to authorise worse functionality. Crazy people.


                        Originally posted by speedlolita View Post
                        Seriously hope people aren't going to be buying these expecting competitive 3D performance. lol
                        Who needs 3D? I just want to play FTL on the toilet, without work complaining about marks all over my laptop.


                          Originally posted by Decider-VT View Post
                          Who needs 3D? I just want to play FTL on the toilet, without work complaining about marks all over my laptop.
                          Probably just need to avoid that splashback from the toilet.

