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Castlevania games discussion.

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    Castlevania games discussion.

    Right, i think it's fitting what with Lament Of Innocence being recently released to have good old chigwag about Castlevania.

    For me, my first game played was the 1st Castlevania game released on the GBA. I enjoyed it thoroughly and played it through to completion whilst on the beach with the wife. Beats reading discarded mills & boon!

    The next game i went for was the japanese saturn conversion of SOTN. I muddled my way through the menu system and quickly found myself well & truely hooked with this game. The one thing that changed however, and for me for the better, was the main character. Rather than whip-tastic bellmont, i got Alucard. I had loads to do collect, equip, level up and explore. And as far removed he was form bellmont, i liked it. You see i'm not a fan of turn based rpg's. but i'm not adverse to the rpg staples of stats and equipment. Panzer Dragoon Saga was the only 'proper' rpg i played and loved. But when i got given a character like Alucard, it was like a blokes version of a doll, dress it up and make it mean and hard.
    I finished that game about a year ago and now i have found an excellent condition PSone english version, not the LE, but i care only for the game proper. And now, i can play it in full english & transparencies. Even though the saturn game was accomplished, i quite astonished at how fluid and faster? this game is. Gripes i had of the saturn copy (slow loading for the menu & map, unable to understand the text) are now defunct. And even in 50Hz border city. It doesn't seem to suffer for it.

    In between this i played the Aria of Sorrow for the GBA again, which again was superb for i got the rpg style character rather than bellmont. Which is why i didn't buy Harmony of Dissonance, bellmont.

    Still, this series which i've found late is incredible. Like Metroid Fusion, the exploration and gradual updraging is a very fun aspect to me. Sad as that may sound. Possibly because i'm not too used to playing many stat heavy rpg's?

    Other points of note is the artwork, the stuff done for the Castlevania chronicles, SOTN and the GBA games are wonderful. The character medly on the japanese saturn version is fantastic. If i had the money, i would love to buy an original print from the lady (who's name escapes me) who creates it.

    Music, in-game music is done to perfection and it alters to suit the area magnificently.

    I can't say i'll be investing in the lastest installment on the PS2(bellmont whip charatcer!) but i'm hoping with the impending PSP, that Konami continue to produce 2D titles of the calibre of AoS and SotN.

    So far as my own limited experience of castlevania goes, i'd like to hear folks views on the other bellmont games and the earlier ones. Have i missed a good many? What are your opinions and thoughts?

    castlevania belongs in the 2d realm. I don't care for LOI much myself. The original castlevania's on nes were good though.


      Fell in love with Super Castlevania 4 on the snes then lost track of CV games, untill a mate lent me Symphony of the Night. Was soooooooo good, with the RPG elements and changing forms, I fell in love once again. Got all the GBA incarnations and loved everyone of them. Briefly touched the N64 versions (via emulation) bt they didnt have the same magic as the 2d versions. Id like to give LoI a blast, but need a PS2 first.


        I'm currently playing through Circle of the Moon and Aria of Sorrow on GBA

        I also just bought Castlevania Chronicles for PSX last week, of which i've played about 2 minutes in total

        Being a big fan of platformers and RPGs i really love the series, might buy LOI but that'll depend on reviews (and of course finances!)

        There really should be more games like this rather than just the castlevania and (to some extent as it doesn't have stat-based levelling, but does have power-ups for progressing) metroid series


          LoI really is bad. Try before you buy is all I will say. Castlevania is all about "twitch" gaming and that means 2D. SotN and IV were great games, the former was near perfection because of the similarity to Super Metroid. LoI is more like a poor mans Devil May Cry.


            Originally posted by M?bius_One
            LoI really is bad. Try before you buy is all I will say. Castlevania is all about "twitch" gaming and that means 2D. SotN and IV were great games, the former was near perfection because of the similarity to Super Metroid. LoI is more like a poor mans Devil May Cry.
            After just reading the Edge review (it got 8/10), i'm still not sure whether to get it or not may just get it anyway (as i probably will do eventually anyway..)


              Originally posted by Arctic Feather
              Originally posted by M?bius_One
              LoI really is bad. Try before you buy is all I will say. Castlevania is all about "twitch" gaming and that means 2D. SotN and IV were great games, the former was near perfection because of the similarity to Super Metroid. LoI is more like a poor mans Devil May Cry.
              After just reading the Edge review (it got 8/10), i'm still not sure whether to get it or not may just get it anyway (as i probably will do eventually anyway..)
              Hmm, there's been a lot of argument about their score, tbh. You can have an alternate (but not necessarily better, of course ) view here.


                I am playing LoI and I have to say I am loving every minute of it!!

                I think it has captured the idea of SotN really well. It is not as good, but is still very enjoyable IMO.


                  After being disgusted with Konami destroying yet another classic franchise, I'm back to playing the GBA Circle of the Moon. Top Stuff


                    Fantastic franchise with some terrible games in there too. I would put them in this order-

                    Symphony of the Night
                    Castlevania 4
                    Aria of Sorrow
                    Castlevania 3
                    Circle of the Moon
                    Simons Quest
                    N64 ones
                    Harmony of Dissonance >____<

                    I havent played Vampire Killer, nor have I played the latest game (I doubt I will either, I trust Trebles opinion more than Edges).


                      Why you not like Harmony of Dissonance kempstar?
                      It the one i had spent the most time on and got 200% persoanlly i found aria of sorrow a bit on the easy side didnt think it was worth the money not saying that i didnt enjoy it.
                      Was gonna start replaying symphony of the night still cant beleieve i got this game so long ago in a toy r us bargin bin.


                        Originally posted by TheShend
                        Even though the saturn game was accomplished, i quite astonished at how fluid and faster? this game is. Gripes i had of the saturn copy (slow loading for the menu & map, unable to understand the text) are now defunct. And even in 50Hz border city. It doesn't seem to suffer for it.
                        I played through the PAL PS version of SOTN first before getting the US incarnation and can safely say that the US one is definitely A LOT FASTER than the PAL cinema edition. A magazine review (Maniac, German publication) at that time mentioned the speed difference between PAL/US SOTN to be around 17%.


                          Originally posted by darksteve
                          Why you not like Harmony of Dissonance kempstar?
                          It the one i had spent the most time on and got 200% persoanlly i found aria of sorrow a bit on the easy side didnt think it was worth the money not saying that i didnt enjoy it.
                          I wrote the review for this site here, see if you can spot the deliberate factual error in there :P

                          Its been a long time since I played HOD, but my main gripe was with the design of the castle. I felt that it was very poorly structured, with lots of backtracking for very little gain. Also I thought that the use of progression items (double jump etc) were not integrated very well- It was possible to finish the game without utilising any of them. Its hard to explain, but that feeling when you see a platform just tantalisingly out of reach, and wonder how you will ever reach it, until you find the requisite item/ power up- It just wasnt there in HOD, like it was in SOTN, AOS and other similar games.


                            I'm hoping that Konami will release a new Castlevania game for the PSP launch in tweleve months. A true sequel to Symphony would make me as excited as a twelve year old about to get a Super Famicom all those years ago.

                            Of course Sony wil probablyl not allow ANY two dimensional games on their handheld. ft: ****ers!


                              I was going to post here, and talk about my love of Dracula X, but I was guessing that other people would mention it already.

                              I come here, and maybe I didnt read everything, but I havnt seen anyone mention it.

                              Dracula-X on the Turbo Duo, Japan only.
                              One of the best castlevanias. I was doubtfull, espeically with such a high price, but I have grown to really cherish it.

                              It is arguably the best of the "pure" castlevanias. Basically, CV games without the SOTN/Metroid style gameplay.

                              I love the SOTN style gameplay, but for the traditional level based CV gaming, Drac-X has it all.

                              Multiple characters, several endings, plenty of secrets, secret multiple routes, great boss design, killer music, its aaaaaaall good!

                              Plus, it has a joke level in case you dont have the arcade card thats needed.

                              It may be pricey, and on a system not easy to get hold of, but the hype is mostly true, it really is good.

