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Worth jumping on the 3DS bandwagon?

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    Worth jumping on the 3DS bandwagon?

    I'm tempted to get a 3DS even though I've got a backlog of games on the Vita as I fancy some new Mario action. Is it worth getting one? I've been looking at the new3DS model due to its SNES stylings which seem oh so satisfying.

    What say ye?

    Yeah, go on why not.


      I'm still on the fence between this & a Vita at the moment myself
      Both have a few titles I'd like to play its just trying to work which I'd prefer long term

      I'm thinking the localisation of Yokai Watch might sway me to a 3DS more

      There are plenty of great titles worth playing on the 3DS & I definitely think its worth serious consideration now


        Have the new 3ds i have to say i am not a fan of the analogue stick or the stick nub. I feel the Analogue stick should be textured to stop thumb slipping and with the stick numb not moving at all feels weird.

        But the games are great monster hunter 4 i am getting into and then you have kirby/starfox the mario games and many more


          Buy a Super Famicom and Super Mario World instead.


            I can highly recommend the Vita Soundwave, there are just so many great titles for it and they can be picked up for pennies. Been playing quite a few titles on it since I got it and there are more to go but I just fancy a change, a platformy kind of change and Mario 3D Land looks like it could hit the spot.

            The games on the console are good but none of them have that Nintendo charm that I'm currently yearning for, that said some of the independent stuff is awesome.

            I've heard about the analog stick problem before eastyy and will probably mod it in some way like I did to my DSi (opened it up, added a plastic cut out to the dpad to make it sit higher/become more clicky/responsive) in order to make the control perfect.

            Off the top of my head you could medium/fine grit sandpaper on the concave part to remove the smoothness and give it some grip without damaging the overall look quite easily or you could slice and place a layer of grip tape on top of the stick but the most elegant solution would be to remove it and spray it with a substance to give it some tack - maybe clear coat or that plasticoat stuff?


              If you have young kids, just let them play with it for a while. It will be tacky in no time.

