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Silent Hill Live

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    Silent Hill Live

    Tickets go on sale Friday, I might try and get some for the Southampton show.
    Anyone else planning on going?

    Nothing sets the tone of a horror game like a truly haunting score, and few can create as claustrophobic and creepy an atmosphere as Akira Yamaoka. The composer has been partly responsible for making the majority of the Silent Hill franchise practically unplayable for anyone lacking nerves of reinforced steel. "Silent Hill Live" invites fans of the horror series to revisit the eerie scores of games past -- this time in a more comfortable setting where monstrosities (hopefully) aren't lurking around every corner.

    I would LOVE to see this. Doesn't appear to be coming to Ireland though.


      I'm looking to get tickets for London, and if that doesn't happen then we're likely to be making a trip to Southampton. Very excited about this.


        Southampton? ??????


          Hope I can get to the Manchester one but depends on costs and times tbh...


            Wanna see this but no one to go with. F it will go alone!


              Anyone go to the Bristol one last night? Im off to the Cardiff show the evening- can't wait! Hopefully get to meet Yamaoka and get my copy of Silent Hill 2 signed


                I'm potentially going to the Manchester gig, should be good.



                  Just got back- was amazing!

                  I was sat at the front, and was about 1/2 meter away from it all. A good set list, and Yamaoka was a real sight to behold in action.

                  Unfortunately Mary Elizabeth McGlynn was not there, and the only down side of it all was that the girl doing the vocals just wasn't good at all. A voice that wasn't powerful enough to cut through, and a poor track knowledge meant she had to keep referring to the lyrics, and even fluffed lines and missed intros/ started in the wrong place. A shame.

                  Apart from that it was kickass, and it was great so be so close to one of my gaming idols. I even managed to pinch his setlist when he left

                  Got some amazing pictures- I'll post them tomorrow!


                    Just left the London show early. Really, really hated it. I was hoping for some heavy, powerful performances of instrumentals, especially after they'd set the tone by playing music from Twin Peaks, Halloween and 28 Days Later beforehand. What we got was a fairly standard rock performance with a competent but thoroughly uncharismatic singer instead.

                    Oh well. At least we weren't the only people leaving early.


                      Listen to this to cheer yourself up.


                        On the plus side, my wife and I were absolutely pissing ourselves at the support act. It sounded like a guy who'd created randomised industrial loops with Electroplankton.

                        The whole thing just felt like it was massively misjudged and a missed opportunity. Went for the queasy, unsettling industrial score and got "are you guys all ready for some Silent Hill?" and "we're so excited to be here!" from the singer instead. The most fitting analogy I read was that it was like watching a performance at The Bronze.


                          The support act gave up halfway through because everyone was so bored and started talking- and it was louder than his literal one more "music". Although the ridiculous mask didn't hide the fact that he was actually one of the guitarists on stage later.

                          I stand by the fact that the singer was completely misjudged fort he event- although I did enjoy it more than you by the sounds of it!


                            Silent Hill Live

                            Well, I enjoyed it - quite a lot, in fact. I'm more familiar with the soundtracks than the games themselves, and was already expecting a set mainly made up of the rock/vocal tracks, and to that end it was great. One friend who went along to Bristol said she really enjoyed the support, but uh, we maybe misjudged things and were still in the pub at that point.

                            The singer was always going to be up against it but I thought she did a really good job. Might have mis-judged the ambience and atmosphere people were expecting a little, but on the whole she seemed to be very well received. As a long-term Bemani fan in particular, I have all the time in the world for Akira Yamaoka, and getting to see him put on a show like this was awesome.

                            Edit: one major (unsurprising) gripe - the people. At the back in particular you had your usual 'try and film a ****ty, zoomed in, shaky-cam YouTube video on my phone' types, and people that insisted on talking loudly to their mates throughout.
                            Last edited by fuse; 02-11-2015, 09:42.


                              I wish we'd gone to the pub beforehand.

                              And stayed there.

