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Why microtransactions, IAPs and LootBoxes are here to stay thread

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    Well this is really nice of them: "The developer behind Gears 5 believes the game will set a trend in how AAA games monetise players after launch."

    I love how this is dressed up as a good news story when the opening line is about players themselves (us) being "monetised" after the game has been paid for. This is the modern focus.


      'Meanwhile, heroes will be both earnable and purchasable.'

      Earnable with 100 hours of grind and a sense of pride and accomplishment?


        They just need to be very careful with it when it comes to Gears. It's an aging franchise but one of the few that seems to have a positive air about its online components even if most of the media and discussion sites broadly ignore it. If they mess about trying to milk players too hard they'll ruin the userbase loyalty the series has and I'm doubtful Gears would ever recover from it.


          Gears is a dumb franchise to pick for aggressive monetisation. It should be a prestige piece for Microsoft, not a fan-squeezer.


            I'll be honest I haven't played Gears of War 4 but I remember it getting ripped for it's microtransactions in multiplayer and horde modes.

            You only need to search but there were big pay to win accusations and complaints about lootboxes.

            To me it just sounds like they are doing away with lootboxes and we should be greatful. The Xbox 360 Gears had wonderful multiplayer and horde modes buy I get the sense they've not as great as they were, where the MTX/business model doesn't help at all.



                Lol. There are some great threads in the Apex Legends subreddit - highlighting when reddit can be brilliant and well worth reading.

                As an aside a fairly well written article over at Games Industry was published on the whole Apex Legends debacle. Although I think the author didn't understand why an apology had to be issued, the summary feels like it is fairly on point.


                  That's a good read.
                  Basically if a game has seasons, battle passes, coins or multiple currencies, loot boxes and a host of Confusopoly on purchase/during play, the devolopers are screwing you.


                    I saw on the news today that the Safer Online Gambling Group said over half of all children they've talked to show signs of gambling addiction due to gambling mechanics in games. So that's good...


                      Some encouraging news this morning: DCMS recommends UK Government regulates loot boxes under the Gambling Act - And ban the sale of loot boxes in games aimed at children (Eurogamer)

                      The Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport has recommended the Government regulates loot boxes under the Gambling Act.

                      It also recommends the Government order publishers to strip loot boxes out of games aimed at children, and tell PEGI to slap games with loot boxes with an appropriate age rating.
                      While the DCMS's report is not law, industry members have told Eurogamer it will be taken seriously, and pointed to Labour deputy leader Tom Watson as a prominent politician who has a keen interest in loot boxes and other publisher practices.

                      Digging into the detail, the DCMS said the Government should bring forward regulations under section six of the Gambling Act 2005 in the next parliamentary session to specify loot boxes are a game of chance.

                      According to the DCMS, if Government determines not to regulate loot boxes under the Act at this time, the Government should produce a paper clearly stating the reasons why it does not consider loot boxes paid for with real-world currency to be a game of chance played for money's worth.(Previously, the Gambling Commission said current laws don't see loot boxes as gambling, largely because there's no real-world cash value to the items received in a loot box.)
                      Elsewhere, the DCMS recommends the Government should advise PEGI, the European video game age ratings organisation, to apply the existing 'gambling' content labelling, and corresponding age limits, to games containing loot boxes that can be purchased for real world money and do not reveal their contents before purchase. (The current PEGI descriptor for in-game purchases does not specifically differentiate between loot boxes and other items.)

                      Crucially, the DCMS said in the absence of research which proves no harm is being done by exposing children to gambling through the purchasing of loot boxes, a precautionary principle should apply and they are not permitted in games played by children until the evidence proves otherwise.
                      I guess that's what you call 'surprise results' for EA (and the rest).


                        Rumours breaking that the upcoming Call of Duty: Modern Warfare will include weapons in the lootboxes. Loot box exclusive weapons and aggressive monitisation have been in COD for a while, so this isn't that surprising news.

                        Supposedly the leaker has previous form for correctly datamining/leaking details from COD games.


                        The Call of Duty community is up in arms once more, after a reputable leaker has claimed that the microtransaction system in the upcoming Modern Warfare has been changed and will no longer be cosmetic only.

                        Microtransactions in recent CoD titles have been by far the most controversial topic, particularly in Black Ops 4, as many players felt that the monetization model was aggressive, especially the supply drop or 'reserve' system which added exclusive weapons later in the game's life-cycle.
                        A leaker, who has correctly leaked Modern Warfare details in the past, including the addition of the 2v2 Gunfight mode, has now claimed that the "fair system" has been removed, in favor of a supply drop with weapons, and filler content such as emotes and sprays.


                          If they want to put players off gambling, developers should use the game over sequence from Casino Games on the Master System.

                          I wouldn't even buy a ticket for the church Tombola after that.


                            Originally posted by Hirst View Post
                            I wouldn't even buy a ticket for the church Tombola after that.
                            My wife played cricket the other day, with a bat she won in one of those charity raffle things, oh what's the word for them?


                            No, Steve ran her out.


                              Originally posted by Hirst View Post
                              If they want to put players off gambling, developers should use the game over sequence from Casino Games on the Master System.

                              I wouldn't even buy a ticket for the church Tombola after that.
                              Just awesome that, proper moody old skool gfx


                                All too predictable but Ghost Recon: Breakpoint is full on pay to win with an in-game cash shop that any f2p game would be proud of.


                                So that's a £93 full edition, different versions, pre-order bonuses, pay to play on the actual release date, battle passes, year passes, xp boosts, weapons, cosmetics, timesavers, crafting materials can be bought etc. No mention of loot boxes for the full bingo, although Wildlands and The Division games had them introduced so probably just a matter of when.

                                Also the recent IW developer responses are being made into a meme:

