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Soul Calibur 2 GC with *those* pads?

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    Wonder if it's poss to hack up a wavebird into an arcade stick? Hmmmmm.


      IGN apparently said that the standard GC controller works really well for SC2. No idea.. can't imagine it.. but.. they said it. Particularly that the controls have been designed around the GC pad for the GC version, so, they're not attempting to shoe horn in a PS2 configuration (for example).


        Originally posted by scottcr
        IGN apparently said that the standard GC controller works really well for SC2. No idea.. can't imagine it.. but.. they said it. Particularly that the controls have been designed around the GC pad for the GC version, so, they're not attempting to shoe horn in a PS2 configuration (for example).
        Well I personally take anything IGN say with a pinch of salt but their SC2 article was incredibly lame.

        Didn't they mention that the controls work by implementing the use of the C-stick to perform certain moves, going against there claim that the GC version hadn't been 'dumbed down'. That is not how to play SC2.


          Originally posted by charlie angel
          What do you mean by 'card'?
          The Soul Cliber 2 Pic on the front of it..


            Originally posted by Saurian
            Sharkattack man - how the hell are you playing Bloody Roar on an analogue stick? <>> motions are impossible! Let alone taps buffering into supers!
            I seem to get by. I had to until this stick came out!

            I have loads of GC controllers - Jet Black, Spice, Clear Indigo and WaveBird. Then I will get the SC2 Arcade Stick and I might get a Hori pad too for Player 2 fighting and for future GB Player purchase!


              Originally posted by JibberX
              I've never had so many pads for a single console, I've got 4 standard pads, a wavebird, and I might get a Hori pad and a stick, its like a wire nightmare, cept the WaveBird, mmmmmmm.
              Innit. 4 DC pads, 2 DC wheels, DC lightgun, DC rod, DC arcade stick, 2 PSX pads, PSX srick, 2 PSX2 pads, 2 GC pads, 3 PC Engine pads, 4 MD pads, MD stick, 8 Saturn pads, Saturn lightgun, Master system lighgun, NES lighgun, 4 SNES pads, 4 N64 pads, 2 Jaguar pads, Jogcon controller, Beatmnia controller, 2 NES pads, 2 7800 pads and a large assortment of 9-pin DIN sticks and paddles etc etc etc does not make a pretty sight.



                Originally posted by C'
                Didn't they mention that the controls work by implementing the use of the C-stick to perform certain moves, going against there claim that the GC version hadn't been 'dumbed down'. That is not how to play SC2.
                The option is there apparently but it doesn't mean you have to use it and I think you can turn it off.


                  Originally posted by SharkAttack
                  Originally posted by charlie angel
                  What do you mean by 'card'?
                  The Soul Cliber 2 Pic on the front of it..
                  Ah, excuse my thickyness Shark didn't realise it was that simple.

                  I'm not sure that you can change it - haven't looked closely enough though


                    Anyone know if you can use the GC to PS2 Pad convertors so i can use my PS2 Soul Calibur Stick on my GC, i have one on order but i don't know if it will work


                      Dunno. But I've got a PS2 SCII Hori Stick on order with a Magicbox Convertor for XBox, so fingers crossed that it'll work.


                        From what I've tried so far, playing SC2 on the GC is not bad at all. You can easily get to all the buttons, and pull off the double presses without much problem (apart from B+K, but you can configure the buttons however you want). The C stick duplicates A+B, A+K, B+K and A+B+K, but as said, you don't have to use that functionality.

                        Naturally though it isn't a patch on using a proper Hori arcade stick

                        Right, I'm off to get a GC to PC adapter so I can use it for MAME...
                        Lie with passion and be forever damned...


                          For the xbox you can use the magicbox converter with the excellent and generally very cheap dc arcade stick. You can't use the r and l buttons, but you won't need them for sc2 anyway.


                            I never really played games with a stick. Only one I did to any real extent was SF2 Turbo and I really didn't like.

                            What are the real advantages to a stick? Just more arcade like? You all use them for fighters and shooters and I am happy with mr pad. Is it really worth an investment?


                              It all depends whether you want to just play the game or whether you want to truly enjoy it and get the best out of it.

                              By using the standard pad, you'll never, ever get good at the game. You might as well use a steering wheel.


                                Okey dokey. Right, I would like know where to get the best sticks at the best possible prices.

                                Dc - I imagine that I can just go into or somewhere lik that and try to pc an official 2nd one s I've heard you saythey arepretty good.

                                Saturn - Hori is all I know....

                                Xbox - Someone posted a link to a site with an apparently good one on it but I can't find it salable anywhere.


