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    Well we know they have a tonne of games in production. By 2025 they'll probably have to hold games back because they'll all be tripping over themselves. But the question is, by that point Sony and even Nintendo will have released a stack of stuff and people may not be willing to jump ship or buy another console. Plus, once all that stuff releases, it could be back to waiting for stuff again.


      Originally posted by Cassius_Smoke View Post
      Well we know they have a tonne of games in production. By 2025 they'll probably have to hold games back because they'll all be tripping over themselves. But the question is, by that point Sony and even Nintendo will have released a stack of stuff and people may not be willing to jump ship or buy another console. Plus, once all that stuff releases, it could be back to waiting for stuff again.
      I'm willing to take a bet that if they get this amount of studios aligned that it'll be very rare to be waiting for stuff again.

      Even with 3-4 year cycles, with Bethesda and Activision in the loop you'd expect some kind of simple rotation.

      I doubt they wanted to be where they are right now but in buying Bethesda there was obviously a lot of projects inflight, including supporting titles just released and timed exclusivity deals etc... as those obligations elapse Xbox is in more control of how and when these studios release.



        Whilst a lot of the main game has been handcrafted the bulk of the 1,000 planets will be procedurally generated. Howard says many will have pretty much nothing of interest on them just like in real life but they would rather give players the option of landing on a pointless rock or ice giant than have the space be empty


          He also said its a blank slate for Modders. So basically he's relying on unpaid labour to finish the game and probably fix all the broken ****.
          Of course this is seen as a plus because 'Yey modding!'


            Originally posted by Neon Ignition View Post
            Whilst a lot of the main game has been handcrafted the bulk of the 1,000 planets will be procedurally generated. Howard says many will have pretty much nothing of interest on them just like in real life but they would rather give players the option of landing on a pointless rock or ice giant than have the space be empty
            This was the issue with no mans sky when it launched, they had an infinite amount of planets with nothing interesting to find on any them it was the same 5 type of things over and over again and it got to the point that you knew exactly what was on each planet (minus minor visual details and colour swaps) before you even landed.

            Starfield will be the traditional journey type game with quests pushing you along a set path pretty much like how Skyrim handles things everyone will have pretty much the same journey with the option to split off and explore. This is how it should be, we've seen what happens when a dev creates a system with an infinite amount of not a lot to do.


              Originally posted by Cassius_Smoke View Post
              He also said its a blank slate for Modders. So basically he's relying on unpaid labour to finish the game and probably fix all the broken ****.
              Of course this is seen as a plus because 'Yey modding!'
              I get the humour but equally having the majority of planets barren of life or reason to visit is what they're aiming for... it doesn't mean the game is unfinished or that they're deciding to go gold with missing content that should be on those planets.

              I'm sure the modding community will have the usual field day fixing and improving things here but having a blank slate doesn't mean Bethesda is limiting the content.


                Originally posted by Cassius_Smoke View Post
                Of course this is seen as a plus because 'Yey modding!'
                Damn right! There's not one studio on Earth that can compete with a 25,000+ strong horde of extremely talented developers and artists driven solely by passion (and now Patreon).

                I can't wait to play with the likes of seamless planetary navigation and transition, increased faction diversity, realistic/immersive audio vacuum overhaul (like Dead Space had), fully automated (or not) off-world drilling/mining operations, trading/shipping/smuggling and economy dynamics, Space Police, bio-diversity packs (with sentient alien races perhaps?), etc. Only the imagination is the limit as to what's possible.

                I can even go as far as to imagine an aggressively enhanced procedural generation scripting engine, which for instance could develop believable worlds packed with warring factions dictated by resource grab behaviours. A bit like Civil War Overhaul for Skyrim (which was mostly restored cut content anyway) but spread across planets, and backed up by stable economics.


                  But as you say, once you've come across your 6th Ice planet with nothing on it, why bother exploring it. Those 1000 planets really going to be a dozen planets, repeating 1000 times. If there is nothing on them and no use for them, why have them in the game except for a bold claim of having loads of explorable worlds.
                  NMS has been out for ages and 99% of those world don't need exploring.... And that's AFTER a ton of extra stuff has been added to the game.



                    I know you love your modding. I love the modding stuff too. But at this point Bethesda might as well release a blank 3d plane with the game engine and say 'Have at it'. That's basically what those 1000 planets are.


                      Out 'First half of 2023'. Which means by first half of 2024 there'll be enough mods to fix all the broken **** Bethesda can't be arsed to.


                        Hmm... Definitely not Jan-March. If they want attention then April is the clearest window


                          Just pointing out the "international day of human space flight" is April 12th 2023.

                          You never know...




                              Originally posted by Cassius_Smoke View Post
                              Out 'First half of 2023'. Which means by first half of 2024 there'll be enough mods to fix all the broken **** Bethesda can't be arsed to.

                              In what bug-ridden, janktacular state will it be in if it launches in H1 2023? I don't believe it.


                                It's going to be bug ridden and janktacular whenever it launches. Sooner rather than later, I say!

