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Xbox - Series S/X: Thread 01

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    I reckon the digital only version was done largely to try and capitalise on Game Pass as a response to how little impact Xbox One X has made on the consoles sales share. The biggest swing and a miss of this generation has been the emphasis placed on XBX and PS4 Pro which have sold a few million each but broadly target a niche, we've effectively had those instead of getting the equivalent of an Xbox One E or PS4 Super Slim, both of which would have been much more impactful as the systems failing to be as low in RRP as they should be by now must be limiting growth. Ripping out the disc drive would have been a quick, easy and lazy way of driving it down and the black Friday figure suggest that either company getting closer to that £100 would have reignited sales momentum in these twilight days.

    Honestly, next-gen, unless MS or Sony decides to completely abandon the Next-Gen Console model then they should steer clear of 'Pro' models which just wind the impact of the next 'true' console more than they impact market share.


      The All-Digital Edition sold absolute sh*tloads in both Europe and North America during the Black Friday week. I bought one myself cause I really wanted to play Gears 5 and I'm also a fan of their exclusives. At £85 here in Norway it was a no-brainer.


        Pinch of salt time...Some leaked specs kicking around for this.

        GPU: 12 TF CPU: 8 Core Zen 2 at 3.5 ghz RAM: 16 GB, 13 GB dedicated to games


          Read about the second SKU which is what we'd politely refer to as the Gimped Edition, gotta hope Sony has no plans for a cut down model themselves otherwise next-gen will be handicapped out the gate.


            If the only difference between Lockhart and Anaconda is the target rendering resolution a gimped model with a 4 teraflop GPU would be ideal for people with 1080p TVs or 1440p monitor. Smaller SOAC means smaller PSU, smaller cooler, smaller case, possibly less RAM and maybe even no disc drive. That could be a good bit cheaper than the full fat model.
            As Black Friday weekend showed with the Xbox SADE model something like that combined with Game Pass / Gold Ultimate could be a winner.
            Last edited by CMcK; 10-12-2019, 14:01.


              I think the key with the Black Friday sales was how low the price was able to go, if the lower end SKU of the XB4 is still knocking £300+ then it'd be very easily seen as a poor mans option. With that option looking to hit in 10+ months time there must be an utter price collapse on XBX inbound


                I thought there'll be only on SKU, based on Scarlett?


                  The rumours on this one seem to have seesawed back and forth - first we were definitely getting multiple SKUs, then we were only getting one, now we seem to be back to multiple SKUs. I wouldn't be surprised if it's been the subject of intense internal debate at Microsoft.

                  Multiple SKUs during the console's life are a given, but at launch...I dunno. It depends how it's done. If it's a definitively less powerful machine, an S to the X of the main machine if you will, that seems like a misstep. It feels like that would that limit developers in what they can do for the whole gen.

                  If it's just a removal of the optical drive and less storage, I think that's totally fine. It'd be like the Core version of the 360 that was issued at launch without a hard drive and with a wired instead of wireless pad. It might be a good idea, giving them a better 'headline' price than Sony - Xbox 4, starting at £299.


                    Yep, god help those who buy it too. In reality it's the PS5 that's likely be the baseline for games that are developed which would mean anyone buying the base XB4 would be getting gimped versions all generation. The Core was such a consumer rip off too given how integral the HDD became.


                      I don't like the idea of two versions of a console at launch -- one being less powerful than the other. When you later get the inevitable 'turbo' iteration a few years down the line, you'd end up with three versions of the console.

                      I think the Xbox One X came out at the right time, with the focus being on the new desire for 4K gaming. It made sense to release it.


                        Originally posted by Neon Ignition View Post
                        Yep, god help those who buy it too. In reality it's the PS5 that's likely be the baseline for games that are developed which would mean anyone buying the base XB4 would be getting gimped versions all generation. The Core was such a consumer rip off too given how integral the HDD became.
                        I don’t agree with the last bit - at £220, the Core 360 was insanely good value for a launch machine, even if you did have to buy a memory card! The premium was better value, but it was still an astonishing starting price for a next gen machine in 2005 imo.


                          If they got the right base memory correct then it would be better but given how much space is required it's a balancing act. At launch the Core delivered something that worked well but like you say, adding in the memory card cost and then later unavoidably needed a HDD made it less economic overall.


                            Microsoft has just announced the final name of its next Xbox live at The Game Awards 2019. It's named Xbox Series X. Th…

                            MS have unveiled the next gen system and its final name:

                            Xbox Series X

                            The XSX already has a confirmed new game for it as well in the form of Senua Saga: Hellblade 2


                              Looks like crap. A giant tower block? Really?


                                Literally wont fit under my tv in the gap my cabinet has so, good job with that.

