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Front Mission 4

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    Front Mission 4

    I don't have this yet but looking forward to USA release. FM3 was a great game.

    Anyone else waiting for this game?

    Me too, get along to for a couple of movies. Cant wait myself.


      I hate those sites that don't allow you to save the movie!

      Thanks a lot for the link, I saw both trailers. Trailer 2 is the best, what a game! Check out the spin-to-punch move by the Wanzer halfway through the movie. I see all the original menu system looks intact and the Wanzer manufacturers. This is a true sequel and looks like Square have put the effort in!

      The in-game story text is in Japanese which rules an import out. The political story was very strong in FM3. Hopefully the US/UK release is not far. I wonder if they will have 2 scenario's like FM3 where you play each side? That was great for lastability. And the website system was a neat idea that actaully worked, hope they keep that in.


        I have a copy on the way, but have acquired a copy in the mean time.

        The good news is that for the most part it's almost entirely in English. The menus in Front Mission games have always been English language, but with Japanese language story. In this instance, every line of text (that I have so far encountered) in the story is spoken in English. There are some exceptions, but you'll have no problems keeping up with the story.

        It's as import-friendly as any Japanese game could ever be. Certainly to the same extent as Viewtiful Joe. Definitely the most import-friendly RPG ever.

        It's awesome. Nobody has any excuse for not importing, either - Especially since a western release is unlikely.

        Maybe this thread should be moved to the 'first look' forum?



          In return you have to bless us with oodles of details about the game.


            This post was originally in the first look thread but moved here probably because i don't have it yet. *shrug*

            Thats great about english voice acting but can you still figure out all the equipment menu's and tutorials in english? If the website system is in Japanese then i'll hold out for a US release. Are there any difficulties u've encountered because it's in Japanese?

            Hopefully someone will make a translation FAQ of any Japanese parts like they did with Ace Combat 3 Japanese.


              I'd love to. But it's a Christmas present from the missus and she's banned me from playing it until my proper copy arrives.

              What I played was great, though. The combat is pretty much just the same as it's always been - But that's always been fine with me.

              I'm not disappointed by my initial hour-long play.


                Originally posted by PeteJ

                In return you have to bless us with oodles of details about the game.
                Yes. Please.

                I'm this close >_< to getting it myself.


                  Just buy it!

                  I'm a sucker for Front Mission, anyway. It's the game I bought my Super Famicom for, after all. But, bias aside - It's exactly the same as the others, only prettier and more import friendly. If you liked one and three, then you'll love four.


                    I'm actually a n00b to Front Mission games, but a sucker for an RPG.


                      The RPG elements in FM are typically very slight. If you're into Turn Based Strategy, then it's for you.

