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The Brand New Game

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    The Brand New Game

    You know the one you'll get for this non denominational holiday season. Will you rip it open and pop it in said console? Take your time and pool through the directions and carefully check it out? Niether, because you'll have to go to church or some family thing? Or a combination of the above?

    The worst is waiting to play. Damnit I just opened it, let me play it.

    Personally I open them up real carefully, sniff the inside. The books smell good usually then I grab the game and pop it in. I can't bother with directions. I want to play the game and find things out for myself first.

    Anyway that's my plan. In the case of multiple games I usually just open the one I want to play immediately first and let the rest sit dormant.

    I just thought I'd float this topic out because hopefully we'll all have new games. At least by Boxing Day right?

    Happy Holidays....

    Side note - do you open your presents Christmas Eve or Christmas Day or Boxing Day?

    I'm getting MKD!! for christmas I believe, and a copy of Mario + Luigi. I shall be slamming MKD!! straight into the console, then playing with my family and friends. Mario + Luigi is for visiting family in other cities.

    I've got all my bases covered. Portable game for on the go, and a Quick arcade-type game, that you can pick up and put down when I'm needed.

    I may be lucky and get a copy of Skies of Arcadia Legends, but it's not looking promising at the moment!

    Roll on Christmas day!


      I may be getting Simpsons Hit 'n' Run. My wife is definitely getting Gregory Horror Show, as I'm the one buying her it. So at least one of us will be waiting a while to try it out...


        Originally posted by Che Musashi
        Personally I open them up real carefully, sniff the inside. The books smell good usually then I grab the game and pop it in. I can't bother with directions. I want to play the game and find things out for myself first.
        Thats exactly my planned approach, though I'll not be getting that many games this year, I've already bought what I wanted and figured - why wait

        I'm very careful when slicing open the top of jpn GameCube games, keeping the shrink wrap intact. I've got it down to a fine art now.

        Originally posted by Che Musashi
        Side note - do you open your presents Christmas Eve or Christmas Day or Boxing Day?
        Always Christmas Day! I don't know anyone who opens their main stuff on Christmas Eve, maybe a few small bits and pieces but not the main deal.


          Originally posted by Che Musashi
          Personally I open them up real carefully, sniff the inside. The books smell good usually then I grab the game and pop it in. I can't bother with directions. I want to play the game and find things out for myself first.
          Whew... glad I'm not the only one who does this.

          I lurve the smell of a new, opened game.

          I think I've got 1 game this year, with that being Ratchet & Clank 2, so will no doubt have a crack at that Christmas Day.


            Ironically, despite having a spanking new Wega 21" Sony t.v for my room, I prob won't be playing much besides my existing games on it this Christmas - no money left to buy games myself, and due to my family's lack of knowledge over importing ( "So, can your system play PAL games then?" "No, it's U.S, it only plays U.S games" ) means they won't be ordering anything from Tronix for me.


              Gari, was that Sony 21" any good in the end? I assume it was if you bought it? 8)


                Well they'll be no gaming for me until I get home on Boxing Day.

                Luckily though I've got a pile of wrapped games which I've bought myself just waiting for me to open and play...hurray!

                I'm also a rip it open, smell the goodness and whack it on type of bloke. Then leave all the logos and intro to play though and soak up the atmosphere before venturing into my new digital playground.

                As for the actual present opening, Che are you mad, who opens they're presents at any other time except Chrimbo Day (waits for the onslaught)...?

                This year will be a little different though so it'll be get up, open presents with the missus, have some brekkie, leg it down to Brighton, have champagne, open 'stocking' from Santa, have some more brekkie, then sit down with the rest of the family and open all the proper presents followed by getting thoroughly thoroughly pissed...can't wait!


                  Christmas should be about religious celebration, where we celebrate ancient winter pagan traditions, and worship the godess of....

                  hold... thats not right. Anyway, lets not getting into the whole history of Christianity hijacking a pagan festival, which developed into a vacuous day of capitalisitic commercialism.

                  Being of Eastern European descent, I start celebrate on Christmas eve, with excess eating and drinking done by all, starting when the first Winters star appears on that night.
                  After that we gorge ourselves on seafood dishes. (Eve is fish only, Christmas day is meat only.)

                  Afterwards gifts are exchanged.
                  I bought my brother some GBA games, and Ill probably get cash, which I will then use to buy various games. (most likely off other memebers of this forum.)
                  No point in any relative actually buying something for me, since my tastes tend to be way out there. Though I did get a nice hip flask last year, and extra equipment for my wine making activites.

                  Probably wont post tomorow. Check my location.

                  Seasons greetings, happy holidays, and regardless of denomination, enjoy yourselves.

                  See you all in the new year.


                    I have no idea if I'll be getting any games or not. My gf brought me RRE when she came over last week, so that got played (as well as Pacman Vs in 4 player mode between me, her, my brother and his gf), but I dunno if she left any other games with my parents to wrap up and be a surprise. My brother no doubt will get me something on DVD, and my parents don't buy games as they know I import (amazing huh?!). Just have to see...
                    Lie with passion and be forever damned...


                      You know the importing makes telling people what you want more difficult. I wouldn't ask my wife for Bujingai becuase it could be too complicated.

                      Usually I open my presents on Christmas day, except this year I was thinking of Christmas Eve night because Christmas day I'm finally going to see Return of the King.

                      As for my spoils I have no idea what I'm getting yet.


                        Originally posted by Che Musashi
                        You know the importing makes telling people what you want more difficult. I wouldn't ask my wife for Bujingai becuase it could be too complicated.
                        I had to order my game from the better-half myself. She's rubbish with ordering stuff from the internet. I don't know why, she's good with PCs and the internet normally, but she just cannot order stuff online. So I had to order it under her credit card and all! Ah well...

                        I think I'll ask for a PAL XB game next year!


                          My sister gave me a cheque of 35 quid and I used it to buy a Spice GBA Player for my gamecube in a bundle with Donkey Koga, SC Stick for Gamecube, Hori SNES Controller. Let hope the post arrive nice and early so I can relax and enjoy christmas


                            I've no idea what im getting games related, as mum knows I import... Shall be intresting.

                            Most likely she will prob give me a cheque for a import game or 2, we shall see.


                              I won't be getting any games for Christmas, mainly because the buyers wouldn't want to buy over the internet and wouldn't even want to know what a Kero Kero King is
                              I tried to explain it was a little frog guy, they basically said GTF!

                              I'm not bothered though, I have bought something insane like 10 games this month for myself and have only really played Konga and R:Racing so I really don't need any more games.

                              As for opening presents, Christmas Day definitely. Although it's more Christmas Afternoon in my house TBH.

